THE rains that have lashed the country over the past few days have eased fears of another devastating drought, with a knock-on effect throughout the whole economy. (more…)…
ZIMBABWE’s formal retail sector endured a challenging year in 2024, characterised by stiff competition from the burgeoning informal traders, working capital constraints and high cost of operating ― all threatening the viability of most businesses. (more…)…
ZIMBABWE’s new gold production record of 36,48 tonnes in 2024, up 21 percent from 30,1 tonnes the prior year, should give a major boost to the country’s local currency — the ZiG — which is backed by a basket of minerals, mainly gold, analysts say. (more…)…
MARK Manson, in his book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F****, argues that happiness isn’t the absence of problems, but rather the act of solving them. (more…)…
ZIMBABWE’S transfer pricing rules are contained in sections 98A and 98B of the Income Tax Act (ITA). The rules came into force retrospectively as of January 1, 2014, because of an amendment to Act promulgated in April 2014. (more…)…
SUBDUED prices of platinum group metals (PGMs) globally during the course of 2024 adversely impacted development of Karo Mining Holdings (Karo)’s platinum project owing to delays in funding workstreams, the company has reported. (more…)…
AT least US$2,5 billion is required to increase industrial capacity utilisation to 75 percent by December 2025, a new survey shows. (more…)…
THE European Union (EU) has reaffirmed its commitment to assisting local companies in making their renewable energy projects financially viable. (more…)…
STIFFER competition from new entrants in the local aviation space adversely impacted Fastjet Zimbabwe’s top line, subsequently plunging it into a US$4 million loss in 2023, the company’s latest annual report shows. (more…)…