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Moses Chunga ready for Highlanders


ZNA Charities staff officer grade 1 Fabian Chitungo(left), Harare City coach Moses Chunga and striker Martin Vengesayi at yesterday’s press conference Picture by Sportbrief 

By Causemore Gadeni and Tongai Mwenje

ORGANISERS of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) Charities Shield told a press conference on Thursday that they are ready to host this year’s  ZNA Charity Cup final between Highlanders and Harare City on Sunday at Barbourfields in Bulawayo.

Speaking during the event held at Town House in Harare, Lieutenant Colonel Fabion Chitungo who is responsible for charities said:” All the logistics have been put in place for the two teams to participate in this year’s final.”

Chitungo said despite the tournament being a charitable initiative by the Zimbabwe National Army, this year’s  winners will pocket US$12 000 while the runners up will get US$8 000 for participating in the final.

Harare City head coach Moses Chunga who was present at the press conference said although his boys were playing away from home, they were not  going to “donate” the match to their opponents on Sunday.

” Yes we know its a charity game, but we are not going there  to donate the match but rather to win the cup, ” he said.

Bambo as Chunga is affectionately known by his followers said his team was not intimidated by the Highlanders’ 12th man at Barbourfileds Stadium.  Coincidentally,  in all the ZNA Charity Cup that Bosso has featured, Barbourfields Stadium has always been his hunting ground.

“I am very comfortable to play at Emagumeni because the Zimbabwe National Army is for everyone, not Harare only, nor Bulawayo,” said the seasoned Harare City gaffer.

The organizers of the event said since they are targeting to raise at least US$25 000 on the day, Barbourfields Stadium was the best venue as Bosso commands a huge following in Bulawayo than in Harare.

“On fan base, Bosso has a superior following hence to harness maximum proceeds, we saw it befitting to play the match at Barbourfields stadium,” said one of the organizers.

Lieutenant Colonel Chitungo also highlighted consistency of the Charity tournament saying  the spacing of  the matches can kill its momentum.

The quarter and semi-finals were played during the first quarter of the year as they had to wait patiently for the Premier Soccer League Board to allocate them a date for the Cup final that does not clash with other league games.

The game promises to be a exciting as Highlanders seek to stamp their authority as the current PSL log leaders.  On the other hand, Harare City who of late  have not been collecting maximum points will not be push overs as they want to prove that they still enjoy their dominance over Bosso. –

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