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Mariah Carey retreats from spotlight following New Year’s Eve fiasco


After her disastrous performance in Times Square, Mariah Carey releases a audio message on Twitter saying that her feelings were hurt and that she will be taking a break from social media.

TEN days into 2017, a welcome end to Mariah Carey’s ongoing NYE scandal finally looks in sight.

In a garbled audio message posted to Twitter overnight, the singer announced that she’ll be taking “a break from social media moments” in the wake of her much pilloried non-performance.

“Although I’m going to fulfil my professional obligations, this is an important time for me to finally take a moment for myself and be with my loved ones,” she read from a prepared statement.

“I cannot deny that my feelings are hurt but I’m working through it and I’m truly grateful for my fans and my true friends who have been so supportive at this time,” she added.

The neverending saga, which began when Carey awkwardly fumbled through her midnight performance in Times Square, has led to a week-and-a-half of drama with Carey’s team accusing Ryan Seacrest’s Dick Clark Productions of deliberately sabotaging her for ratings.

The pop star has since come under intense criticism for lip-syncing and not taking responsibility for the botched performance.

Before her media hiatus, Carey couldn’t resist laying blame one more time, directing her tweet at “#thefoilers”.

“It’s a shame that we were put into the hands of a production team with technical issues who chose to capitalise on circumstances beyond our control,” she said.

“It’s not practical for a singer to sing live and be able to hear themselves properly in the middle of Times Square with all the noise, the freezing cold, the smoke from the smoke machines, thousands of people celebrating – especially when their ear monitors were not working at all.

“Listen guys, they foiled me,” she told her followers. “It turned into an opportunity to humiliate me and all those who were excited to ring in the new year with me.”

Carey added that she will “eventually explain this in greater detail for anyone who cares to hear”, which please no, that’s surely more than enough. 

Besides the NYE scandal, the singer and her team also came under fire this week for a tone-deaf tweet promoting her E! reality series Mariah’s World, that bragged about her lavish lifestyle compared to the rest of us normals.

The tweet, which contrasted a picture of ordinary people lined up at a busy airport with a shot of Carey stepping off a private jet, was labelled “inappropriate” by her followers. 

“Mariah girl, get your ass to some third world countries and learn some humility,” one commenter wrote.

“Delete this, this is not what Mariah Carey is about!”, another fan added, blaming Carey’s new manager Stella Bulchnikov for the singer’s “snobby” new image.
