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How to attain financial freedom

Investing is one of the best ways to keep your wealth growing and is one of the major keys to financial success.

WHO doesn’t want financial breakthrough? It’s something we all dream about, but getting there can be tough, especially if we’ve made poor financial decisions. It can be even harder when you’re living paycheck to paycheck and have debt that’s keeping you in constant bondage.
Unless you were born into wealth, have inherited wealth or hit the Mega Millions jackpot, the odds of becoming an instant millionaire are quite low. However, having $1 million or simply achieving financial breakthrough doesn’t have to come by circumstances or luck. These personal finance tips will change the way you think about money.
Make regular investments
Investing is one of the best ways to keep your wealth growing and is one of the major keys to financial success. Remember, an investment is the purchase of goods that aren’t used today but in the future to create wealth. For a person who has never made a serious investment, the idea may sound scary but it doesn’t have to be. Investing can be extremely intimidating, especially when you’ve never invested in before. Having a financial advisor can be advantageous as they will guide you in putting your investments in the right place and really helping you manage your money. There are also tons of beginner investment strategy resources available online that will help you figure out the direction you want to head in.
Spend less than you earn
Here is a simple rule: you will never become rich if you spend every dollar you earn. So save it. Create a budget around your necessary expenses and every paycheck; put your money into savings accounts that you can’t immediately access. Saving also allows you to have money for down payments on future large-purchase investments like a home.
Remember, these purchases serve not only as equity but as investment properties, bought with the intent of earning a return on your investment. There are likely people you know who are sitting on a great amount of wealth but you would never know it because they aren’t flashy – they don’t spend their money on frivolous things but on things that will keep their finances stable.
Start a business that you love
While there is the chance that you can achieve great financial success by working for other people, the value of your work is split among others and you’re not in control of how money and value are distributed. If you start your own business, you control how money and value are distributed, and these two factors will only grow with your business, especially one you’re passionate about. There are tons of online resources that can assist you in starting your own business. Use them.
Generate multiple forms of income
Those who achieve great financial wealth generally have more than one steady flow of income, which allows them to produce multiple forms of revenue, consistently. If you already have a business going, invest money in other promising business ventures. Think bigger than just your business. Remember, you’re not limited here. If you have a business idea but haven’t taken the leap, know that it’s never too late to start.
Get others to buy into your vision
While it’s great to have a vision to build wealth or achieve financial breakthrough, it’s important that others buy into that vision. There is power in borrowing. Start-up money can come anywhere from a small business loan to a family member or friend who wants to see your vision get off the ground. Most self-made millionaires are successful because other people put their money towards it. The key to selling this vision is not only how you deliver that message, but selling how this vision can really be game-changing.
Think bigger than your competition
You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you’re not first, you’re last.” This is especially true when it comes to financial success, especially in the world of business. You can talk to any self-made millionaire and they’ll tell you that they worked hard to get there. Their success didn’t come from easy, get rich quick schemes. Remember, easy opportunities usually yield low returns. Identify a need that hasn’t been satisfied or take one that has been to the next level.
You’d be surprised how far you can get when you outthink the average person. Also, note that long-term success is not a race. It’s really about how you make a product or service better than your competitors. Remembering these things will help you rise above your competition.
Grant Cardone, an international sales expert and self-made millionaire said in an article that his single biggest financial mistake was not thinking big enough. “There is no shortage of money on this planet,” said Cardone. “Only a shortage of people thinking big, enough.” Shoot for more than one million and don’t stop once you get there. The only one stopping you is you.
Whether you’re flourishing financially or you’re finances are in a rocky place, you should always keep in mind that this may not be your big financial season but that time is coming. There’s no way to achieve financial breakthrough without hard work and believing that achieving success is truly possible. Trust in the process.
Trust that when your time comes, you will be ready for it and that you will do what it takes to keep your business in order. When you truly believe that anything is possible, including your personal success, the sky’s the limit. —