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Vaya To Start Handling Waste Disposal: Are They Spreading Themselves Too Thin?

If I were to ask you what Vaya’s core business is what would be the answer. Is it ride-hailing? Or maybe the ambulance service Vaya launched a few months ago. Wait, what about the tractors?? Oh and the express delivery service. That’s already a lengthy list but now prepare to add waste disposal to Vaya’s list of services.

One would assume that their core was the ride-hailing (as that was the most popular) but as time has progressed it seems Vaya might be a logistics business before anything else and Vaya was just the first service. Nothing more, nothing less.

Waste disposal…

Vaya will be helping private waste collectors to collect waste in different areas of Harare. In a press release sent out to media partners, they informed us that they’ve partnered with 8 private companies that have already been collecting refuse.

We are pleased to advise that Vaya Logistics will be used by private waste collectors in the city starting from this week

Vaya Logistics, through its Vaya Truck arm, has asked transport companies with 5-tonne vehicles to provide 50 trucks to support the private companies as an interim measure.

The City has been zoned into franchises where each company will collect waste, working with private contractors.

For the first two weeks, Vaya will be offering the service on a free trial and then after a timetable will be published and residents will be able to order refuse collection from within the app.

Is this too much?

Vaya has unveiled a lot of services since it launched and it feels like they are doing a lot of different things all at once. Maybe, the resources backing the company can allow them to eventually figure things out as they go but I feel there is a risk of the company becoming a jack of all trades and master of none. Of course, I could be entirely wrong and Vaya could do well on the multiple fronts they are entering.

I guess that’s the beauty of the Vaya story, whether I’m right or wrong one thing is guaranteed; there will be an interesting story and lessons worth analysing at the end of this tale.

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