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Econet vs Netone vs Telecel : Here’s Which Network Offers The Cheapest WhatsApp Bundles


We can whine all we want about the new data prices/data allocations the Mobile Network Operators have (conspired) to give us but just have to make do with what’s there. MNO’s are profit-making organisations for crying out loud- they had to adjust in line with changing economy. We either have to cut back the amount of time we spend on the internet (which I believe is hard), use data sparingly or fork out more money than we used to spend on data bundles.

I would like to believe that the average will probably just devote all their monies to buying WhatsApp bundles (since WhatsApp is the de facto internet of Zim) and dispense with the luxuries of surfing the internet or using Facebook, Instagram etc. – they will only use other platforms than WhatsApp only when it’s necessary. So its a no brainer that people are curious to know, which MNO is offering the cheapest WhatsApp Bundles.

Fine, lets take a look at the MNO which you can use to use WhatsApp with the least strain on your pockets.

Daily WhatsApp Bundles

Mobile Network Operator Price WhatsApp Data
Econet (1) RTGS $ 1 45
Telecel RTGS $ 1 60
Netone RTGS$ 1 50
Econet (2) RTGS $0.50 20

NB: I made all the comparisons in this article with the assumption that Econet users would want to use their bundles on WhatsApp only and not on Pinterest too (indeed, the bundle can be used to access Pinterest too).

If we are to compare the MNO’s solely on the Daily Bundles, it’s evident that Telecel is the go-to guy since it offers more Megabytes (MB) for your dollar.

Econet has 2 deals on the WhatsApp weekly bundle. But even its second deal of RTGS $ 0.50/ 20 MBs still offers less than what Telecel and Netone would offer if we unilaterally decide to halve their prices and data- for Netone it would be RTGS $ 0.50/ 25 MBs and Telecel would be RTGS $ 0.50/ 30 MBs.

Verdict – Telecel has the best deal

Weekly WhatsApp bundle

Mobile Network Operator Price WhatsApp Data Calculation WhatsApp data you get per dollar
Econet RTGS $ 3 140 MB 46 MB
Telecel RTGS $ 2 100 MB 50 MB
Netone RTGS$ 2 100 MB 50 MB

If you are not careful you’d hastily conclude that Econet is offering the best deal on the WhatsApp Weekly Bundles with its 140 MBs data allocation. Hell No !. When you calculate the amount of data MBs you get per your hard-earned dollar, you will find out that Econet is actually giving you the worst deal of 46 MBs/ RTGS $1 whereas other give you 50 MBs/ RTGS $1.

Verdict – You better go for Netone or Telecel for weekly bundles as they are equally cheaper.

Monthly WhatsApp Bundle

Mobile Network Operator Price WhatsApp Data Calculation WhatsApp data you get per dollar
Econet RTGS $ 8 400 MB 50 MB
Telecel (1) RTGS $ 3 200 MB 66 MB
Netone RTGS$ 5 250 MB 50 MB
Telecel (2) RTGS $ 5 320 MB 64 MB

Ummm! the amount of money (RTGS $8) you have to spend just to buy a monthly WhatsApp bundle of Econet is just too ahead of the rest. For 5 bucks or 3 bucks, I think you can (relatively) easily persuade a person that its not too much to spend on airtime at once.

Anyways, Econet and its fellow, Netone, deals are not enticing, where Monthly WhatsApp bundles are concerned. Through calculating how many MBs you get per RTGS $1, Telecel again emerges as the victor. A dollar you spend on Telecel for a Monthly WhatsApp bundle will get you 66 MBs 0r 64 MBs compared to the 50MBs that you get from Econet and Netone.

Verdict – Telecel offers the best deal

Overal Conclusion

Telecel is the champion when it comes to giving you more for what you spend on WhatsApp bundles. Holding other things constant, you better start using Telecel for WhatsApp.

Also read: New MegaBoost Vs New OneFusion: MegaBoost Still Offers A Better Deal

The post Econet vs Netone vs Telecel : Here’s Which Network Offers The Cheapest WhatsApp Bundles appeared first on Techzim.