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Women let’s go ‘grab the world’

By Macy Chitepo

THE month of July is upon us and we are half way through the year. If you have not yet achieved your half yearly goals it is time for a ‘stock-take or inventory check’ in order to adopt a strategy that has more positive results.

Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. 

We all have goals in life. Each one of us wants to achieve something, whether great or small, at some point in our lives. We have deep-seated hopes and dreams for the future and a burning desire to accomplish great feats.
That desire is stitched into the very fabric of our society, woven into the core of who we are, deep down inside. It is emblazoned in every women’s DNA, genetically pre-dispositioned, not just for mere survival, but also with a yearning passion to thrive.
It is however unfortunate that towards the end of the first quarter, the whole world went into lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in a lot of people’s goals and resolutions going off the rails.
Following on my article titled, “Great women are born out of difficult times” I am emphasizing again that great women were also born during this lockdown. While Covid-19 has brought with it many setbacks, ‘great women’ were born during this lockdown.
The success of one woman should be an inspiration to other women. We should raise and support each other and ensure that we are courageous, strong, kind and above all, humble.

Now that we are in July, which is considered a prime vacation month of the year, we also celebrate essential democratic anniversaries, the birth of the United Anniversary of the First Women’s Rights Conference.
Most fun-loving people worldwide believe the month of July has some of the best parties of the year. July is the time when your favourite drink by the pool is all you need and when you seriously consider moving to a part of the world where the weather is warm and perfect.
I want to take this opportunity to salute the women whose lights have shone in the month of July. Congratulations to the first savings cooperative society (Saccos) aimed at financially empowering women to reach their goals as well as contributing to the socio-economic well-being of the country.
The ultimate goal is to invest in real estate that will see members benefiting through rental income, thereby getting a stable cash flow, which is a sustainable way of earning a passive income.
In a hyperinflationary environment such as Zimbabwe, investing in real estate is the safest investment as it is a hedge against inflation. Hands up to Edna Mukurazhizha, the Empowered Woman Excel CEO.

“Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” —William Shakespeare

Also congratulations to Sharon Bwanya for her appointment as a board member of the Zimbabwe National Planning Council (ZNFPC). Many are proud of you and I am ecstatic to see young blood on most boards.
To the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) team, well done and thank you for putting up such a successful Superbrand Virtual Lunch held at the Marketing Hub. Superbrand is an international concept that has been adopted in Zimbabwe since 2009 and it seeks to recognise and reward the best brands in the country, with the finest reputation within a specified period of time.
On the Superbrand panel we also have executives like Eve Gadzikwa, Chipo Mashingaidze and Chipo Mapungwana. I am thrilled to see so many women at the top.
MAZ will this year host the Annual Continuos Professional Development (ACPD) master class also known as the Winter School from July 29 to 31, 2020. One of the speakers is Juliet Ziswa, a former marketing director for Unilever, NetOne and now in charge of Kenya-based Light Design Inc’s marketing.
Itai Pasi, CFI Holdings board chairman and chief executive, continues to make waves in the business world and she is one young aggressive lady and I can’t conclude my article without mentioning her.
With five months to go before the year draws to a close, I just want to say to all the women out there, we were all born to do great things and we strongly need to believe in ourselves. Let us not be terrified of this Covid-19 and lose hope, let us practice all prescribed safety measures and achieve greatness.
If we have made mistakes from the beginning of the year to date, let us learn from those mistakes and move forward with a positive attitude.

In this environment, it is not a bed of roses to achieve all your goals in life. That much is certain. But couple that with every woman’s insatiable thirst for instant gratification and our proclivity to run on the seemingly endless hedonic treadmill where we are always reaching for something better than we have today, the sky is the limit.

Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We are stronger when we cheer each other, my dream is to see a lot of young blood take on roles in a lot more corporate boards.