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Covid 19 national lockdown: Triumph Africa gives lifeline to Binga residents

LOCAL charitable trust organisation Triumph Africa, has this week given a lifeline to residents of Binga in Matebeleland North, whose livelihoods have been disrupted by the Covid-19 induced national lockdown.

The charity and developmental organisation entered a synergy with a mining consultancy firm  Kromount Technologies, who chipped in with funds to acquire food packs and masks that were distrubuted to villagers.

The gesture is the second leg of Triumph Africa’s Covid 19 lockdown relief aid cycle which commenced last year. In an interview with this publication, the United Kingdom based founder and philanthropist Tendai  Immanuel said their social intervention programmes also cater for the safety and health of the elderly other than food distrubution.

” Our food distributions started last year in the first national lockdown. “Previously we ran day centres for older people however as older people face greater risk should they contract covid-19 we took the decision to close all our supported Church ran day centres nationally and focus our resources in Matebeland North with particular emphasis on Binga,” she said.

She added that they were inspired by the fact that Binga is located in the remote part of the country hence accessibility issue affected villagers there. “We felt the accessibility issue will result in less or perhaps irregular support for vulnerable older people in the district.

” We wanted to do our part to contribute to the health and well-being  of older people there,” she explained.
In that regard, the organisation also  support Dete Old People’s home by ensuring they have consistent regular supplies of all medication prescribed for the residence.
Immanuel said more such programmes were in the pipeline.

” At Entembeni Old People’s home we have signed an MOU and hope to launch an income generating chicken project for them to help the home become more financially self-sustaining,” she hinted.

She applauded efforts made by community leaders to raise awareness in a bid to alleviate the effects of the pandemic.
“Although Binga is far from big cities, the local community leaders both traditional and local authorities have spread awareness wide in the district with leaflets also translated into local Tonga dialect.

“With our first distributions we gave face masks to all who came to the distribution centres as some older people as well as some of those who accompanied them did not have,” explained Immanuel.

The organisation  has  to date distributed over 2000 reusable masks. Also on part of their priority list in their social intervention crusade is safety and championing precautionary measures for frontline staff and all villagers.

“Safety is paramount we have screening of everyone who comes on site.
“From volunteers, chiefs, social services officers, RDC representatives, police everyone gets health screened “Our staff nurse checks temperatures and completes a screening questionnaire for everyone,” she explained.

The charity organisation runs income generating projects for sustainability to enable them to serve at least 2400 beneficiaries registered from 11 villages in Binga.
Immanuel extended gratitude to their partners in this outreach, Kromount Technologies and she urged the corporate sector to participate in social responsibility and community building programmes.

” We are grateful when we get partners from the business community that help us achieve this.  “The current cycle of distributions is being funded by Kromount Technologies a mining  and mining consultancy company.  “Alone we can only do so much but together we can go further and reach further. We have physical distancing monitors on site and ensure we do our best to keep everyone safe,” she said in a parting shot.

Meanwhile, according to the statistics availed by the Ministry of Health and Childcare as at February 3, Zimbabwe had 33 964 Covid-19 cases with 1 269 deaths and 27 391 recoveries.