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Roki releases new track

IT takes a specifically gifted type of artist to achieve a certain transcendence.

When you listen to some songs by urban groovers, its appears to have rushed to the studio just to release a song  – a case of an open mouth with a shut mind  –  but “genius” certainly applies on Andikwanisa a song released by Roki last Friday.

The past two decades Roki whose real name is Rockford Josphats has dominated mainstream radio and charts. Pairing confessional lyricism with a slick falsetto, sing along tracks and ear worming hooks.

With Boss Lashan, Roki has shown his more mature side music wise, with songs that will stand the taste of time.

For Roki, these decades of excellence with a number of hits on the local scene made this new slow jam  – Andikwanisa – somewhat inevitable. For those in love an failing to explain how it feels or they are feeling, this song has made it easy for you. It is your answer.

With Boss Lashan, Roki has shown his more mature side music wise, with songs that will stand the taste of time.

Roki’s handler, Boss Lashan is happy with the new song which was recorded at Passion Java records and whose video was director by Shawn Ray.  He says music lovers should expect more from Roki going forward as he has written many songs over the years.

Lyrically it is a song about a woman that has made a man (or a woman) whole or met his/her every need and want her/him to come where he/she is.

Essentially an appreciation for the girl, in the song expresses his love for everything she is and everything she does from how he feels when they meet, the way her hair drops like waterfalls to her waist to how he wants to spend the night and his whole life with her.

Driving the track’s just-fine R&B-standard lyrics to your eardrums is Roki’s vocal performance, blended in both English and shona.

Roki who over the years has also tapped into acting showed it in the video as the choreography was flowing smoothly

The song evidently plays strictly in its comfort zone to mostly pleasant results, a somehow shift from his other energetic songs.