Law of sowing, reaping
This message is for readers and believers who complain that the gospel of seed faith does not work for them.
I can sympathise with them because it is quite discouraging to give and never receive. Since it works for me and many others I know I think the first port of call is to teach you on how to give in such a way that you can receive back. So in this first part I will show you how to sow properly and then will also show you how to properly receive your harvest in the next article.
It is my hope that your understanding of this message will cause you to give cheerfully, consistently and bountifully and to receive your harvest joyfully and gratefully. The following points derived from natural farming constitute necessary steps in sowing your seed for a harvest.
Seed must be planted
The best use of any seed is to plant it, and not to store it or eat it. If you do not sow the seed, it remains alone (John 12:24). In other words, it is impossible to reap a harvest without sowing a seed first.
John Avanzini argued that no matter how fertile the ground and strong the seed, if that seed is not planted it will never multiply. The miracle process of multiplication only begins after the seed has been sown.
Stop boasting about the seed you have in store or about the harvest you expect when you have not sown the seed. Sow seed first. You can keep your US$100 in a pillow for a year. It will neither pay any bill nor bring you increase. According to monetary economics money must flow or circulate, if you just keep it like that it will not help you or anyone. Plant it. Types of good seeds include: tithe, offerings, alms, gifts to spiritual workers, giving towards the furtherance of the gospel through TV, Radio and evangelistic crusades.
Sow in good ground
Seed must be planted in good ground (Matt. 13:8). A seed sown into good ground brings forth a good harvest.
When you have money or material goods set aside as seed do not rush to sow anywhere, the soil must be fertile (Mark 4). Pray for divine guidance; since God is the rewarder or the One who multiplies your seed back to you as harvest, He knows the good ground. You may investigate the ministry before sowing.
Ministries which do not emphasise winning of souls are dead seas or poor grounds to sow into because they will dam the flow. Fertile grounds include: your local church for tithes and regular offerings; anointed men and women of God for special breakthrough offerings, orphans and widows for compassion seeds, and any believer who has the gifting or anointing you desire.
Plant what you expect to harvest
A law is given (in Genesis 1:12, Galatians 6:7, Luke 6:38) that a seed reproduces after its own kind. So the kind of seed you sow always determines the kind of harvest you will get. Sow clothing items and you reap clothing items. Sow apples, reap apples. Sow kindness and mercy, you reap the same.
However, seed of money makes an exception to this rule. You can sow money and reap a harvest unrelated to money. Ecclesiastes 10:19 says money answers everything, and naturally money is a medium of exchange. When you sow money for a harvest unrelated to money e.g a car you need to wrap the money with words of your expected outcome.
Oral Roberts teaches us to point our seed towards our desired harvest. The law of faith in Mark 11:23-24 reads that you get what you say and this applies to seed faith as well. So the next time you sow a seed make sure you take time to worship God with it and to give it a specific assignment before you release it.
Please understand that the size of your seed determines the size of your harvest. Sow sparingly and reap sparingly and vice versa (2 Cor. 9:6). Also continual harvesting follows continual sowing. This explains why some anointed teachers of prosperity may ask people to give in groups starting with the biggest seed and to increase your giving levels.
Waiting period
There is always a waiting period between planting and harvesting. So cultivate the virtue of patience. Some seeds mature earlier than others but still harvest will definitely follow sowing in the same way that day follows night. Maintain your crops for harvest through keeping your confidence and walking in obedience to the Spirit of God. I will show you how to properly receive a harvest in the next article.
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