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Carnal mind hinders faith

Personal and spiritual conflicts that remain unresolved are a cause for concern. This is especially so when the person involved religiously follows all the rules, tenets, rituals of their church and readily take the advice and guidance of scriptures and spiritual leaders. Nothing is more frustrating and disappointing than to do the commandments of God and yet find yourself not receiving the expected blessings. I can sympathise with such people.
But I have discovered that in most cases the failure to receive the expected blessings is a result of possessing a carnal mind. Immediately the question that comes to your mind is what is a carnal mind? Well, it is one that is natural, worldly, fleshly, unrenewed by the word of God and mostly negative. According to the opening scripture above a carnal mind produces death. It might not be death in the physical sense, but everything negative, bad, evil and destructive is implied. But why is this so? It is so ‘because a carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be’ (Romans 8:7). In plain language a carnal mind does not recognise God, the giver of life, as it exalts reason above faith. It operates independent of God. It is shaped and influenced by the natural desires, affections and feelings of the physical body which are mostly negative.        
Most Christians do not recognise the fact that the mind is not saved or regenerated but it is renewed through the word of God. Regeneration of the human spirit must be closely followed by the renewal of the mind through God’s word. The mind is made spiritual by meditating on God’s word and by applying the word of God in all aspects of life. Every Christian who has been converted and fails to go a step further in renewing his or her mind lives a carnal life. The mind plays a crucial role in the transformation of one’s character and circumstances. Renewing of the mind is a prequel to transformation of character and circumstances. The statement that you must change your mind first in order to change your destiny is very correct. Thus it is very possible for a well-meaning Christian to follow all the prescribed rules, rituals, doctrines, and dogmas of a church from an external standpoint, and still think negatively and destructively.
For instance, a Christian who always thinks that God is a punitive God and has not played fair with him or her will live a life full of troubles and difficulties. A renewed, sound mind thinks that the Lord God is good all the times and the devil is the one who is evil all the times. If everything seems to be going against you continually, then check your thought-life.
Do not be deceived; evil thoughts breed evil things and good thoughts breed good things. Proverbs 23:7 clearly reveals this truth: ‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Ralph Waldo Emerson was scripturally right when he said, “You are what you think all day long.” You may have good plans and positive resolutions for this year but if your thinking is negative this will bring you nothing positive.  Please understand the vital connection between spiritual regeneration and mental renewal. Faith and the mind must work together in a positive co-relationship. A positive mind is the best launch-pad for faith. This explains why Jesus did not rush to work a miracle for people before engaging them in some reversal-of-the-mind dialogue. He knew that once one’s mind became positive and expecting faith could be easily exercised.
Faith that is anchored by a carnal mind will not produce desired results. It is greatly hindered. The account of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 clearly illustrates this point. Naaman travelled all the way from Syria to Samaria to be healed of leprosy by the prophet Elisha. No doubt that was faith in action. He had heard that the man of God could heal him and he came to him. Since faith comes by hearing the word of God Naaman surely had faith. But when he arrived and was told to go and dip in the river for his cleansing and healing he ‘was wroth and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me . . .” Do you see how a carnal mind can hinder faith? His faith was right but his thinking was negative. He almost missed his miracle not because of lack of faith but of evil thoughts and imaginations.
Choose to be spiritually minded and you will enter a new season of breakthroughs, abundant life, victory, good health and prosperity. These goodies; prosperity, quietness, rest, peace and abundant life are the products of a spiritual mind. Cease seeking for them using the wrong mind!
– Pastor Mairos Mubvumbi is the founding pastor of Hope In Christ Ministries. You can send your prayer request to him on 0772889766 or