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Prophecy in sync with Scripture

 TB Joshua prophecy
Reader: Is the prophecy on the death of the oldest president in southern Africa something to worry about?
Answer: Prophecy is the revelation of the mind of God through an inspired and holy mouthpiece. So if God cares to reveal it then it is an important matter. He does not major on minors. The prophecy is consistent with Scripture. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 admonishes, “I exhort therefore , that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet  and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.”
 However, we are not supposed to worry about it but pray earnestly about it. I understand that the prophecy is one of doom but has an iota of hope in it since believers have been urged to pray for the said president. It has been said that the sickness has been in the body of that president for a long time and prayer of deliverance is being be made.
If something bad is bound to happen but believers are urged to pray against it then it means God’s will is good and not evil. Prayer causes events to happen according to God’s will.
Tithe and beggars    
Reader:  Thank you for your article in the Fingaz regarding giving to beggars. I agree 100 percent and despite being 100 percent imperfect myself I can even give testimonies to confirm what you said. My heart is filled with compassion when it is someone genuinely in need. You can just see it, feel it, it’s in the eyes. But when it’s fake one can feel it, see it (I hope!). However, despite there being lazy beggars we should never stop giving as that one person you decide to ignore might be Jesus.
 I have a question: We offer our tithe through the church. What does the church then do with it? (Or supposed to do with it?) I ask because the poor, widows and orphans are increasing and still the plight of these poor in our own churches does not change. My question is would it be wrong or  selfish to distribute my tithe as I see fit (like giving to old people’s homes, beggars, orphans, my colleagues, church members etc)?
Answer: I thank God that you have a heart full of compassion towards the poor. However, understand that tithes and alms are two different things. Tithes are paid but alms are offered. Tithe is holy unto God just as taxes are due to government. You cannot regulate your tax payments, it is the mandate of Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, a government authorised agent. In the same vein, you cannot distribute your tithe payments as you see fit. Bring the tithe to God’s house.
 Church administrations are divinely ordained to distribute tithes and offerings. Tithes and offerings are used to meet the various expenses of the church including rentals, pastors’ allowances, utility, repairs and maintenance bills and even assisting orphans and widows. It is the duty of the church administration to allocate church funds to different uses. Use the remaining 90 percent of your income to give alms and to do as you wish. God’s order must be followed if blessings are to come upon our giving efforts.
The Seattle Times report
Reader: As a pastor I don’t know whether you have been following up on the developments that are taking place in The United States of America. It has been reported that Washington law-makers have passed the gay marriage Bill to allow same-sex couples to wed. Is it possible for you to interrogate this matter because I really fear that that great nation is leading us towards unleashing the Almighty’s wrath on us?
Answer: It is true that Washington has moved closer to becoming the seventh state in the nation to legalise gay marriage. And it has been reported in some nations where gay marriage has been legalised that some ministers of religion who are marriage officers have been arrested for refusing to solemnise gay marriages.
Even in our own nation the inclusion of gay rights in our constitution is in fierce debate. Well, the Bible is clear that homosexuality, alongside incest, bestiality and solo sex, are acts of gross sexual perversion (See Romans 1:21-32). This means it is unnatural, sinful and against the will of God. In churches we regard homosexuals as people who are bound by the devil and who must be delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit. But acceptance of gay marriage is being pushed by wealthy and influential politicians who hold sway over governments.
God is large and is in control so there is no need for you to fear dear reader as long as you are on the side of God. You see, this is one of the outcomes of human beings seeing themselves as masters of their destiny and captains of their souls. God allows it to happen because He respects one’s free will but He will judge everyone according to their works.

– Pastor Mairos Mubvumbi is the founding pastor of Hope In Christ Ministries. You can send your prayer request to him on 0772889766 or mai