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Skincare tips for women in their 20s


Exercise might not be one of the usual skincare tips for women in their 20s we often hear about, but it is an important one! Exercise helps control stress levels in the body, and it also helps with hormone regulation. When your hormones, primarily cortisol, the stress hormone, are out of control in unhealthy levels, havoc occurs on your skin. Then, take into account that being overweight from not exercising can also lead to hormonal issues such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or to problems with your metabolism, and you’ve got a whole other issue on your plate probably causing you stress. Exercise also improves blood flow and moves lymph flow through the body. Lymph removes toxins from the body, including those that lead to acne. Be sure when you exercise, you do it without makeup so you avoid unnecessary breakouts. What’s more important to you? Option A, good skin or option B, impressing the people exercising with you with a full face of makeup on? I choose option A anytime!
Eat a clean diet
A clean diet does more than give you a great body, hun! It also improves your skin like you wouldn’t believe. Avoid too much salt, highly processed foods, sugar (even natural sources), and avoid problematic foods that might cause issues like gluten for some, dairy for others, and for those of us without intolerances to either of those, just eat clean in general. Don’t eat refined foods or processed diet foods. Foods with an ingredient label should be only from whole food sources, not tons of names you don’t understand. Just remember, drink your water, avoid sugar, and eat lots of greens and fish. Those four things will do more for your skin than anything else because each one of those fight inflammation that leads to acne and aid in clearing the skin. For women in their 20s, this is a critical time to eat healthy, especially coming out of the teenage years where junk prevailed most likely, and before you get older where you just stop caring.
Moderate your stress
Along with exercise, there are other things you need to do to take care of your hormone health at this time. The 20s are very, very stressful, and doing whatever you can to start helping your hormones and not hurting them will only help your skin, your heart, and your sanity! I control my stress through journaling, meditation (not too serious, just deep breathing), yoga, and daily walks. I also like to spend alone time during the day when I can, even if it’s just during my coffee in the morning, or eating lunch outside in nature. Do what you can and your stress levels will drop, which contributes to helping your skin.- The Galligan Beauty Group