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2020 BossBabe Summit for Women

By Nyashadzashe Ndoro

LOCAL- US based Humanitarian,and Chief Executive Officer of SparkLead and GirloTherapy, Dr. Rutendo Mudzamiri has organised a summit for women under the banner BossBabe Summit 2020.

The summit is aimed at celebrating thriving women in Zimbabwe while strengthening their skills and providing a platform that enables women to discuss solutions to the economy and community.

Dr. Ru (as she’s affectionately known) told this publication that the summit will be graced by influential and thriving women in Zimbabwe who have contributed significantly to the economy and public service related solutions in Zimbabwe in the last decade.

Prodigious is the fact that the summit has also managed to draw world’s influential keynote speakers like Ivy McGregor  CEO of IVYinc and Director of Social Responsibility of Parkwood and Corporate Leader with experience in Fortune 500 companies and iSaw Co-Founder, Nancy Speidel.

“We have strategically selected our speakers for this inaugural summit and we are particularly excited that we will be hosting two amazing keynote speakers coming from the United States. Both women have contributed significantly towards global leadership and the advancement of women and men globally.

“The keynote speakers are  Ivy McGregor  CEO of IVYinc and Director of Social Responsibility of Parkwood and Corporate Leader with experience in Fortune 500 companies and iSaw Co-Founder, Nancy Speidel,” Dr Ru said.

The name BossBabe, she said was established on fact that women as babes can also be bosses in so far as they thrive in the hostile environments of this world.

“You’re wondering why #BossBabe, right? Well, because we are bosses and we are (thriving) babes in so many ways. For over 14 years, I’ve had the honor and privilege to be part of winning women networks and circles as an attendee, speaker, and organizer locally and internationally. While on this journey, I became inspired and encouraged by what other auspicious women in business, public service, politics, entertainment, and some Fortune 500 women were doing to celebrate and uplift each other.

“I have also benefited and learned a great deal from several well-organized masterclasses and networking sessions from various big and not so big events globally. I decided to annually bring this experience to emerging women leaders in Zimbabwe and abroad,” Dr. Ru added.

BossBabe Summit 2020 offers transformative sessions that propel women’s wholeness in areas such as business, health, mind, spirit, and physical.

The summit is also expected to deliver the following:
Motherhood, Thriving in challenging times, Confidence, Fitness, Money, Body Imaging, Business, Health, Mental Health, Leadership and a networking environment.

“The event offers a unique BossBabe Summit 2020 experience that leaves women refreshed mentally, more connected, and committed to working on personal wholeness that we believe goes a long way in positive (self) leadership and confidence.

“I’m hoping you can join me, the BossBabe Summit 2020 organizing team and the PHENOMENAL speakers lined up from near and far. There are LOTS of
opportunities to network and get your work noticed, and for that, visit our website
for more…,” she added.

While BossBabe summit is for progressive women under 45 years old, it is also expected to merge and ignite passions for more effective solutions to society as well ad to push for bold and effective leaders in business and community.

“This is for professional and progressive women under 45 years old. The summit is aimed at not only celebrating women thriving in very challenging times economically and politically. It is a summit founded on the purpose to merge and ignite passions for more effective solutions to society. While we push for bold and effective leaders in business and community, BossBabe Summit encourages a lifestyle for BossBabes to be whole emotionally, mentally, and all other areas of their lives,” Dr Ru added.