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Banket for Jesus mega crusade

 Banket Churches have a reason to rejoice as a resourceful partner in the evangelising of cities will hold a mega crusade in partnership with them this October. This powerful partner is none other than African Enterprise.  
Most churches do not know this smart partner. African Enterprise is an interdenominational, non-racial, international team operating as a mission aid to churches throughout Africa. Its mission is to evangelise the cities of Africa in word and deed in partnership with the church. It was founded in 1962 by Dr. Michael Cassidy, its headquarters are in Switzerland and it has offices in more than ten African nations including South Africa, Kenya, DRC and Zimbabwe. However, Banket for Jesus 2012 crusade is being held by the Zimbabwean branch called African Evangelism Enterprise Zimbabwe.  The crusades will be held in the evenings and will run from the 7th to 14th of October 2012 at Kuwadzana bus terminus in Banket.
The mega crusade will, as a tradition of this ministry, be preceded by a top leadership dinner today.  This dinner is the initial stage of evangelising the gospel to every stratum of society. Commenting on the spiritual significance of this dinner the Zimbabwean team leader, Reverend Guide T. Makore, said that the dinner is held for the city fathers, top business leaders and other high-ranking officials who are too busy to attend the evening open air crusades. He mentioned that they expect the following individuals and groups to attend the dinner: company directors, CEOs, top managers, civil servants leadership, security organs like ZRP officers-in-charge, medical doctors, chief prison officers, school and college heads, heads of churches among others.  Their spouses are encouraged to attend as well. The guest speaker at this august meeting will be Ananias P. Hwange, a top leadership consultant, business conference speaker and an experienced managing director in the retail business. His speech will go by theme: Leadership as a brand.
Reverend Makore, himself the team leader, experienced pastor, teacher, counsellor, missionary, Interdenominational conference speaker, board member of several big organizations including the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe and The Bible Society of Zimbabwe, said that such top leadership dinners are very important as they serve many purposes.  He went on to cite the following as the purposes of the dinners: to preach the gospel of salvation to top leaders of towns and cities in private and convenient places for them; to introduce African Enterprise’s mission to the city fathers and local authorities; to create a platform to interact and fellowship with the policy-makers and powers that be; to promote social connections and business networks, to promote good stewardship and best practices in corporate governance like responsibility, accountability and transparency and to promote family unity and happiness.
Of particular interest to this column is the need to promote a culture of peace and reconciliation at these dinners as people from different political parties, church denominations, businesses and social circles meet to celebrate their unity in diversity. According to 2 Corinthians 5:18,”God has given us this task of reconciling people to him”. Reconciliation means “uniting the divided”. Divisions of race, tribes, denominations, politics and religion which have plagued Africa with violence, war, political instability and economic failure can be ended by the proclamation of a life-changing message of reconciliation and restoration. For this great purpose, we ask God to bless African Enterprise.
– For more information on African Enterprise and Banket crusade please contact Reverend Makore on 0772495029 or e-mail: