Be content with what you have
A certain wise person once said, “Life’s good things are only good to us when God gives them to us in His own way and time; they are enslaving when we demand them.” I totally agree with the one who said this statement because the roots of most of our personal conflicts lie in discontent and covetousness.
It is no wonder then that the writer of the book of Hebrews exhorted us to ensure that our way of life is free from covetousness through contentment.
In this case take contentment to mean allowing yourself to enjoy or endure your present state fully trusting in the wisdom, love and goodness of God. Anyone who wants to live a godly life must learn to be content or else they will fall prey to the sin of covetousness.
The Apostle Paul says, “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim. 6:6). Areas of life in which contentment is required include money and possessions, sex, physical appearance, food and accommodation, work and employment.
Money and possessions
True, everyone needs a bit of cash but loving it becomes the root of all evil. Ecclesiastes 5:10 says, “Whoever loves money never has money enough.” Money makes a good servant but a terrible master.
Possessions are good especially if you acquire them righteously but they are a snare if you use them as the barometer of one’s standard of life. Jesus warned us in Luke 12:15, “Beware! Guard yourself against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”
In this age of HIV and Aids it is logical to think that married people will be forced to be faithful to one partner. But when you observe the worsening sexual behaviour of people around us you realise that that logic does not exist.
Lust is driving people crazy. The appetite for sex with multiple partners is insatiable so the answer does not lie in the multiplicity of partners but in being content with one faithful partner.
Proverbs 5:19 exhorts men towards faithfulness and contentment in marriage. It says, “Let her (your wife) be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be ravished always with her love.” Ironically, sexual intimacy with strangers increases discontent and brings with it impurity, shame, fear, STIs and demonic transfers.
Physical appearance
Some people are not content with their looks, stature and appearance especially ladies. They actually wish they were somebody else like Denzel Washington or Halle Berry. There is no problem with admiring other people’s appearances and flowing with the latest fashion. But when you despise and deprecate yourself in comparison with others whom you idolise you are bordering near covetousness.
God has not distributed beauty equally among His people but He has declared everyone He created “very good”.
Accept your personality and make yourself presentable without abuse of beauty chemicals and idolising other creatures. The Psalmist reminds us of our value before God and man when He wrote, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (139:14).
You need to know right well that you are the mirandum Dei opus, that is, God’s masterpiece, His perfect work of art (Eph. 2:10). You are His supreme creation so do not deprecate yourself.
Work and employment
Our positions and placement at work are a result of many factors including qualifications, experience and connections.
However, do not undermine the role that divine favour and divine control play in our placement and promotion at work. Since the Bible says that promotion comes from God (Ps.75:5,6) and that we should do everything as unto the Lord (Col.3:21-23) and that God rewards faithfulness we should be content with our current wages while working hard and believing God for better situations.
It is better to resign altogether and pursue other business than to continue complaining of low salary and doing a Mickey Mouse job at work.
Contentment does not mean containment in unfavourable situations or confinement to hardships. It means accepting and finding a reason to rejoice in God for your current situation meanwhile making your request for better things known to God through prayer and supplication. (See Phil 4:6).
Because He has promised you His constant presence He will surely bless and promote you in His own way and time. His presence means that He is there as your source of supply; He can give you much more if you learn to be content with what you have and to count your blessings.
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