BUSINESS is at the end of its tether over the triple whammy of Zimbabwe’s continuing exchange rate distortions, booming informal sector and public policy failures. (more…)…
THE government has expressed confidence in achieving a six percent economic growth rate this year, attributing the optimism to a rebound in agriculture and ongoing capital investments in the manufacturing sector. (more…)…
THE real estate sector topped projected investment values for the fourth quarter of 2024, with an estimated US$2 billion, representing 43,60 percent of the total projected investment for the period, according to the Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency (ZIDA). (more…)…
THE life assurance sector has recorded a 140 percent increase in foreign currency revenue, reaching US$76,91 million, as policyholders shift from local currency-denominated policies to forex-based ones. (more…)…
VICTORIA Falls hotels experienced a slight decline in occupancy levels during the recent festive season, with average occupancy falling to 62 percent compared to 65 percent in the same period the previous year. (more…)
THE Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) has cautioned that achieving the government’s inflation targets hinges on authorities creating sufficient demand for the local currency. (more…)
FBC Holdings (FBC), a diversified conglomerate, has resolved to focus its real estate projects on expanding its asset base in high- and medium-density suburbs, aiming to tap into the growing market demand in this segment. (more…)
FBC Securities has called on policymakers and businesses to foster an environment conducive to long-term financial instruments such as infrastructure bonds, corporate bonds, and public-private partnerships (PPPs), to mobilise long-term capital and address structural financial challenges. (more…)
ZIMBABWE’s inflation is expected to remain elevated in 2025 driven by foreign currency exchange rate pressures on the domestic currency — the ZiG, financial analysts, Fincent Securities have said. (more…)
BUSINESS is reeling from the country’s ailing economy and the unintended consequences of recent interventions by authorities to steady the ZiG and curb inflation. (more…)