January 20, 2025
FOR much of last year, Primary and Secondary Education Minister, Lazarus Dokora, dominated the headlines, albeit…
HISTORICALLY Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year to return borrowed…
Tendai Makaripe THE journey seemed endless. Turn after turn, the bumpy road kept meandering into the…
THE Bulawayo City Council (BCC) is now to advertise for the position of town clerk, which…
Malcolm Nyathi VICTORIA FALLS — The trial of outspoken Gokwe-Nembudziya Member of Parliament, , who was…
ORIGIN Holdings Limited, which holds a 68 percent stake in Stock Exchange-listed firm Ariston Holdings Limited,…
COTTCO Holdings says is targeting 100 000 hectares of seed cotton in the current planting season…
DISGRACED former Cabinet minister and suspended ZANU-PF legislator for Chegutu East, Webster Shamu, raised eyebrows in…
Kenneth Matimaire MUTARE — Zimbabwe’s vast eucalyptus (gum tree) plantations are under attack from an exotic…
EMBATTLED Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA) has won a case in which its former chief…