Staff Reporter
AN exhibition - Gwanza 2011 Month of Photography - opens at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) in Harare today.
Staff Reporter
AN exhibition - Gwanza 2011 Month of Photography - opens at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) in Harare today.
Diana Rodrigues
VICTOR Nyakauru's recent solo exhibition, Creatures, gives insights into Shona folklore, revealing many aspects of our society: The elegant stone, metal and bone sculpture of Tsuro/ Rabbit, for example, typifies a wily creature, able to outrun and to get the better of its adversaries, both large and…
Spiritual Conflicts
Pastor Mairos
Proverbs 13:18 If you ignore criticism you will end in poverty and in disgrace, if you accept it you will be honoured.
Resolving Personal & Spiritual Conflicts
Pastor Mairos
PRESENT your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. - Romans 12:1
Jeke and Friends
BRIGHT red and dusty gold colour this season. The end of winter blazes with red flowers - from the scarlet pointsettias in suburban gardens, to the erythrinas coming into bright bloom alongside the open road and in rural villages.
Diana Rodrigues
THE art world abounds with celebrities, but it is often the rock stars among the artists who catch our attention and achieve notoriety in addition to fame. Lucian Freud, the renowned British artist who died this month aged 88, was described as a rake and a gambler.
…. . . as seven vie for ultimate prize
Staff Writer
VIMBAI fell one tantalising step short of a shot at one of the two US$200 000 prizes on M-Net's Big Brother Amplified edition last Sunday; and now Wendall carries the hopes of Zimbab-weans to the prize money and…
Resolving Personal & Spiritual Conflicts
Pastor Mairos
John 12:3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair.
Jeke and Friends
Catering on a film set was something I hadn't considered before becoming familiar with film production.
…Staff Reporter
VIMBAI and Wendall are both up for eviction this week. Now, the critical thing to do is to vote for them - as many times as one can - so at least they can be part of the finalists and, who knows, at least one of them could bring…