THE Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) has urged the government to maintain fiscal discipline ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for next year, to improve the country’s business confidence rankings.…
THE Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) will launch its inaugural State of Industry and Commerce Survey next Wednesday.…
HARARE magistrate Sheunesu Matore has removed from remand two Countryside Leaf Tobacco executives who are facing theft of trust property charges after they allegedly received US$30 000 for a tobacco sales floor system for the firm and converted it to their own use.…
South Africa (SA)’s unemployment rate surged to the highest on a global list of 82 countries monitored by Bloomberg.…
SCHWEPPES Zimbabwe Limited’s subsidiary, Beitbridge Juicing Company says it has seen an increased appetite for long-term collaborations, particularly from South Africa (SA)in the wake of supply chain disruptions after the outbreak of Covid-19.…