Discourse on tithing
In this final part of our discourse we will answer the following questions: What are the benefits of tithing? What are the consequences of non-tithing? What is the best way to pay our tithes? We will also discuss other questions raised by our dear readers: Is God only found in the church, what if I pay my tithe by giving it to the poor? And where in the New Testament does it say we must tithe and do offerings?
Reasons and benefits of tithing
The reasons for tithing are: ‘That there may be meat in my mine house’ which means bringing resources to God’s house for the support of pastors, the financing of the gospel and helping the underprivileged.
Tithing is also a recognition of God as the owner of the whole earth and our true source of supply for all our needs. Tithing is a way for us to acknowledge that God is the One who gives us the power to get wealth. Through tithing the first tenth of our income we give God the first place in our lives and financial affairs.
Benefits of tithing
Tithing clears God’s children from financial curses and releases them into divine prosperity. God responds to our tithing by “rebuking the devourer” that is hedging our money and other treasures from forces of poverty like inflation, depression, and tragic loss. Tithing is a way of covenanting with God for Him to look after your possessions and property. God becomes your insurer and
He will guard or replace any loss you suffer financially and materially. God also can keep a tither in good health and this reduces waste of money through medical bills. When you tithe you are testing God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises. Thus by tithing you provoke God to ‘open the windows of heaven and to pour you out a blessing you will not have room enough to receive it’. Pouring out a blessing does not mean raining down money from heaven but giving of opportunities to get wealth and releasing of viable and sound financial ideas into your life.
A tither is blessed or empowered to prosper and his or her life becomes the envy of others. He or she may not have much in material goods but their life has an aura of joy, peace and contentment around it.
Consequences of non-tithing
If you do not tithe you are vulnerable to financial bankruptcy because God is not in control of your financial affairs. Also, you have nothing to fall back on after a financial catastrophe because you have no insurance policy with God. Everyone is tested in finances or otherwise but recovery is quicker for those who tithe. When you fail to tithe you are robbing God not of money but of the honour of first place in your finances and the pleasure for Him to prove that He is your provider.
Best way to tithe
Immediately after receiving any income set aside a tenth of it. Take quality time to thank and worship God with the money acknowledging Him as your supplier and deliverer from forces of financial poverty. And ask God to supply your other needs. Then bring it to the administration of your local church as early as you can to avoid misuse.
If it is tithe on business, calculate the profit made and then take 10 percent of the profit and worship God with it before you bring it to your local church.
Giving tithe to the poor
Giving to the poor is not tithing, it is almsgiving and the benefits are different. Almsgiving and offerings are given after tithing.
Tithes and offerings in the New Testament
Tithing is not expressly taught in the New Testament but it is implied and approved. Offering is explicitly recommended. Study scriptures like Matthew 23:23, He brews 7:4-8 and 2 Corinthians 9.
Test God
Tithing remains debatable but since God invites us to test Him it is best to test Him personally and accurately and find out for yourself if He will keep His promise of removing financial curses in your life and opening doors for financial increase. Will you test Him?
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