Employees worth keeping
Loyal, faithful and productive employees are the foundation for every successful business.
Employers know that academic and professional qualifications, reference letters, work experience and a good impression in interviews are only valuable at the recruitment stage. Otherwise they do not determine the keeping of employees in the company. Good character and productiveness determine the employees to keep.
You do not want a highly qualified and experienced employee who constantly portrays dysfunctional behaviour. You want respectful, obedient, faithful, loyal and productive employees who help you accomplish your business objectives.
The curriculum vitae can help the employers to recruit but divine wisdom must guide employers in determining who to keep in the company. Most employers instinctively include this divine wisdom in their core values and corporate culture. It deals less with accomplishing what is on the job description but lays more emphasis on the character or the spirit of service of the employee.
God, the architect of better employer-employee relationships, puts a premium on the following five virtues in an employee: faithfulness, obedience, respectfulness, patience in hard places and the desire to please your master.
The opening scripture reveals that the chief requirement of every steward is to be faithful. Steward simply means one who manages another’s affairs.
Any employee is a steward and must therefore be found to be faithful. Synonyms of the word faithful are honest, reliable, trustworthy and dependable. Can the employer put his or her business or part of it in your hands and you can prove worthy of the trust and honour? Will it be safe and secure in your hands?
The most common way of determining whether the one who is driving a car is the owner or not is lack of cautiousness and courteousness. Owners do not abuse their cars. Faithfulness enables the employee to handle the business like it is his or hers. Some employees only work hard when they are being observed. But a faithful employee works hard all the time regardless of the presence or absence of the employer. Faithful employees do not steal or abuse company resources.
Obedience is a key virtue to look for in employees. Obedient employees do not do their own thing; they do what the employer wants. They are the cutting edge of the employer’s mind.
Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 6:5, “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.” Employers who keep disobedient employees will never realise their business objectives of productivity and profitability. Keep the obedient ones; their harmonious spirit reduces conflicts and promotes teamwork.
Employees that respect their employers enough to take their instructions without questionings or complaints are valuable. 1 Timothy 6:1 says, “Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.” Respect oils the relationship between employer and employee.
Business is not always smooth. Bosses are not all gentle. Pressure of meeting deadlines and goals can be unbearable. But it is in such hard places that patience is really a virtue. Instead of becoming uptight and uncooperative, ‘be subject to your masters…not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward'(Peter 2:18). Employees who do not lose their temper under pressure are worth keeping.
Employees who have an unruly tongue will never fail to lose their jobs. No matter how good you are in other areas a cursing tongue will get you fired.
An employee who keeps his or her tongue keeps their job as well. Paul advises Titus to exhort servants to be obedient, and to please their masters in all things, not answering back. (Titus 2:9).
Employees who are faithful, obedient, loyal and productive are not only worth keeping but promoting as well. If you are an employee know that your CV gets you a job but character keeps it.
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