Exploits favour risk takers
The first part of this series was ended by pointing out the need to take safety precautions before one undertakes a very risky venture. The process of sitting down first to count the cost or find ways to spread the risk or reduce the chances of loss is what I term calculating the risk. Risk calculation is so important before taking very high-risk decisions because it is possible to make courageous, high-risk decisions that are stupid. You can calculate risk in the following ways:
Sit down first and weigh benefits versus loss
The first step is to sit down and consider the available facts and figures and see whether the potential benefits expected far outweigh the possible losses. David knew that Goliath could not be toyed with so he asked for a list of benefits before engaging the monster in warfare. It is foolhardy to risk your life for a piece of bread.
Spreading the risk
Probably you have come across this phrase “spreading the risk” in investment options and portfolio management courses. Normally it is explained in the words, “do not put all your eggs in one basket.” This loss mitigating measure usually applies to business and financial investments eg investing in the stock market, farming and giving of credit to borrowers.
I will explain farming only.
Over the years farmers in our nation have learnt of the unpredictability of the rain. They know that it is suicidal not to plant at all because the rain is in unpredictable.
However, they also know that it is risky to plant with the first rains only or with the latter rains only. So they spread the risk by planting some seeds with the early rains and other seeds with the latter rains also.
In spiritual sowing Ecclesiastes 11:6 admonishes us, “In the morning sow your seed and in the evening withhold not your hand: for you know not which shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” The same passage also speaks of giving a portion to seven or eight as you do not know what evil shall be upon the earth.
Get inside information
Daniel 11:32 says that it is the people who know their God who shall do exploits. Hosea 4:6 echoes the same sentiment when it says that people perish for lack of knowledge. Isaiah talks of people being taken into captivity because of lack of knowledge. Apostle Paul and Peter emphasise the value of knowing in most of their epistles.
In all cases the apostles and prophets refer to true spiritual knowledge or divine revelation of truth which will give us direction and guidance. Peter used to act impulsively without getting information first from Jesus and every time he did that folly and shame were the result. But when he acted in response to the call and invitation of Jesus to walk on water, he did the impossible.
Christians should not be rash or hasty in taking high risks but must move at the bidding of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit always shares inside information with us because He is part of the heavenly council. For instance Isaac wanted to leave the land of Gerar because of famine but God advised him to stay put, and sow in the same land. He reaped a hundred-fold that year. If he had planted in famine without inside information, his loss was going to be great.
Seek expert advice and godly counsel
You cannot just wake up and begin to trade successfully on the stock market. No, you need expert advice. Or else you will confuse the bearish market with the bullish one and get punished. If you want to marry but fear to contract HIV from the wrong partner, then have blood tests taken first.
There are risky spiritual ventures that require you to consult the spiritually mature. Proverbs 11 advises us that where there is no counsel, the people fall but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs 20:18 also supports seeking of wise advice. It says, “Every purpose is established by counsel; and in good advice make war.”
Gain experience in shallow waters first
It is a mark of courage to grab the bull by the horns but if you have not yet mastered the full courage, then start taking the bull by the tail first. I mean like David, the shepherd boy, start by killing bears and lions before taking on Goliath. Start with small steps and when your confidence is established you can then take giant leaps of faith. Also, when you go towards deeper waters, make sure you have a saviour to hold you up when you begin to sink as Peter did.
– For prayer and counsel call 0772889766 or e-mail mai ros78@yahoo.co.uk