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Four health and lifestyle trends we predict for 2021

Researchers and academics will look back at 2020 and mark it down as a seismic year in terms of our collective behaviour.

Everything changed in the world around us and so we had to adapt how we behaved, and how we lived.

And it’s sure to influence our health and lifestyle choices in 2021. Here are our predictions:

Taking it slow(er)

Everyone seems to be making changes in where and how they live. From switching careers and moving from big cities to rural towns, to pursuing a new life in another country, the world is in flux. And a large part of the motivation behind these moves seems to be about slowing our lives down.

Lockdown showed us that we were doing it all wrong, spending our lives rushing around, over-scheduling our days, and adding stress to everything we did. In 2021 many people will be more selective about what they choose to do, whether this relates to working, exercising, socialising and more.

And the upside? Being in better health may allow you tailor your medical aid to suit your needs – depending on which scheme you belong to.

The further rise of health tech

We already use smart watches and other wearables to track our workouts, heart rate, quality of sleep and more. But this use of tech to empower us to make healthier decisions and improve our overall well-being is only going to grow.

Health professionals may even start to collect health data to predict illness before it occurs. Beyond that, more doctors’ consultations will be done online, adding convenience and perhaps even providing more access to those who need it.

Beauty from the inside out

Maybe it’s because we spent much of 2020 lounging around at home in leggings and slippers, but there’s been a move away from coating our faces with make-up to focusing on maintaining great skin.

We’ve had few opportunities to get glamorous and spend a night out on the town, and let’s face it, none of us really wanted to either, preferring to stay away from crowds. Skincare is one of the fastest growing beauty markets, overtaking make-up sales in 2020*, and we predict even stronger growth in 2021.

Body and mind connection

We’ve always known there was a connection between the two, but 2020 showed us just how important our mental health is to our physical health, and vice-versa.

The two are inextricably linked and in 2021 this concept is likely to be incorporated into various past-times, whether it’s your typical HIIT class beginning with some deep breathing and mindful stretching, or your grandfather suddenly taking up yoga.

Many sports will start incorporating a psychological aspect to their programmes, and those with a calm mind will soon be admired for it, just as we admire a fit body.

Whatever 2021 brings, it seems like health will become even more of a priority in our lives, and that can only be a good thing.

We may not be able to control the larger events that happen in the world, but we can control our own health and encourage those around us to live healthier lives, too. Hopefully these four trends will help us to get there. –