Getting returns from giving
As more and more believers are growing in the grace of giving, the gospel continues to spread faster and further. This is happening in fulfilment of a prophecy in Zechariah 1:17 which reads, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad. The Church has now grasped this revelation that money answers all things that can be bought (Ecclesiastes 10:19b), and she is putting it into practice proficiently to peddle the gospel of the kingdom to every creature in every corner of the world. True, the gospel of prosperity can be manipulated by some pastors to enrich themselves. Nevertheless, we will leave that in the hands of God and continue to walk in the revelation that prosperity spreads the gospel.
It is in light of this need to continue spreading the gospel of the kingdom of God to fulfil the Great Commission that I have researched on how those giving towards the gospel can receive returns from their giving efforts. God has said in Mark 10:29,30 that whatever you give for the gospel’s sake will come back to you multiplied even a hundredfold. Any child of God who regularly pays tithes, gives offering and alms, ministers to the men and women of God out of their substance or invest in the spreading of the gospel in any way is entitled to a material recompense or reward here on earth and eternal life in heaven.
David Wynns and Kenn-eth Copeland, for whom the biblical laws of prosperity have worked consistently and proficiently, listed six ideas that you can use to make withdrawals from your spiritual bank. I added flesh to enhance your understanding.
Firstly, decide on the amount or item needed. Specify what you need; do not be vague. State the exact amount or the exact item you need. Remember there is no need for doubt or wavering because you have already made the deposits in heaven. However, do not cheat or be greedy by asking far much more than you have deposited. The spiritual laws of reaping what you sow (Galatians 6:7), and harvesting little if you sow sparingly, and harvesting much if you sow bountifully (2 Corinthians 9:6) will govern your return. But you are guaranteed of a multiplied return in any case.
Secondly, get in agreement according to Matthew 18:19 which says, “If two shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven”. Kenneth Copeland, one of the richest pastors in the world, said, “The best and most powerful situation on earth is a husband and wife who can agree together in these areas. If this isn’t possible in your particular case, then get together with another believer and have him join with you.”
Thirdly, lay hold of it by faith, releasing your faith by speaking. In your believing and confessing the manifestation of the desired results, use the principles set out in Mark 11:23,24. Verse 24 says, What things soever you desire, when you pray, bel-ieve that you receive them, and you shall have them.
Fourthly, bind the devil and his forces in the Name of Jesus. Copeland argues, “You have the authority in Jesus’ Name to order Satan out of financial affairs. This is your responsibility. Do not ask God to do it. Mark 16:17, James 4:7, Ephesians 6 and the entire New Testament tell you to resist the devil.” Resisting the devil is important; remember Daniel took twenty-one days to receive a prayer answer which the devil was withholding from him.
Fifthly, lose the angelic forces of heaven. According to Copeland, when you use the Word in the name of Jesus, angels are obligated to follow your command. This is true because angels are ministering spirits sent forth by God to minister for the children of God (Hebrews 1:14).
Sixthly, praise God for the answer. Rejoicing that it is done before it manifests in the physical confuses the devil and proves the genuineness of your faith. Praise keeps the door of abundance wide open. The channel between you and God is clear so you can receive from Him.
I think the seventh step is walking expectantly. Expectancy keeps you alert, wide awake, looking for manifestation of the answer anywhere and anytime. That way you will not miss you answer.
Now you have seen that receiving from God is not really a passive, automatic act.
You may need to go through all these steps every time you want to withdraw from your heavenly account but sometimes God will send pleasant surprises of instant answers.
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