Job 1:5b As I was with Moses, so will I be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
One of the potent weapons of the devil is to deceive you into losing confidence in God. God is large and in charge of all things as the sovereign Lord. We must always view Him as such. However, the moment we begin to entertain a lower view of God is the moment we also begin to find fault with Him. Each time you hear family, friends and associates accuse God of ignorance, neglect, carelessness and insensitivity know that the adversary is having a field day. God is always a loving, caring, sensitive, forgiving, just and merciful Father.
Sometimes we compare ourselves unfairly and unwisely with others. We end up accusing God of favouritism. In the heat of our troubles we ask God, “why curse me?” But when the odds are in our favour we never ask God, “why bless me?” The sad thing is that in most cases as in the case of Job it will not be God behind their troubles but the devil. We desperately need Job’s patience in suffering.
Beloved, God is not guilty of favouritism because He is no respecter of persons. And since He is not guilty of favouritism what He has done for one of His children, He is willing and eager to do for all of His children. He assured Joshua after Moses’ death, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you”. The question is how was God with Moses?
God was with Moses as his deliverer, defender, strengthener, sustainer, miracle-worker, divine leader and guide, source of supply, and so on. If you check the historical account of Joshua’s settlement in Canaan, you will find that surely God was with Joshua just as He was with Moses. What is more interesting to us today is that the same divine promise made to Joshua was made to us in the New Testament.
The writer of Hebrews revealed to us that God’s promise never to leave nor forsake His own is applicable to us today. The writer in fact said that we must be emboldened by that promise and say, “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5,6). At his departure Jesus himself said, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
Believe that God’s promises are for you personally, fulfil the underlying conditions in each promise and expect God to move on your behalf. Do this and discover that Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
For prayer and counselling call 0772889766 or e-mail mairos78@yahoo.co.uk You can follow me on Facebook or twitter @pastormairos
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