Greatest marriage killer
God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.
God designed marriage to be a legal, honourable and sacred union of a man and a woman. He meant this union to be a life-long commitment despite internal and external forces that can act against it. He wanted the two parties to the marriage to give honour to their marriage by remaining faithful to one another. Giving honour to marriage means showing great respect and admiration towards the union.
You show by your words and deeds that you greatly value your marriage. You hold it in high esteem. You guard it jealously like a pearl of great value. You are prepared to sacrifice everything else to ensure that this union remains stable and that it lasts.
You are to put God first on your list of priorities and your marriage must take the second place. Your business or ministry should take the third place and so on. One of the qualifications of being a spiritual leader is having a stable, well-functioning marriage. Even in secular leadership a legally married man or woman is honourable.
Professions like accountancy and law puts a premium on a legal marriage.
A legal and happy marriage bri-ngs honour and gives you the oppo-rtunity to set a good example for others. The Bible recognises that marriage is not a bed of roses or a walk in the park. It recommends some radical changes in attitude, personality and character in order for the marriage union to work.
We must make serious and costly adjustments to make the marriage last. This always involves a lot of compromise and complement on the part of each marriage partner. In short, making your marriage work is a hard work.
Otherwise, complacency, laziness and faintheartedness will collapse the marriage through separation or divorce. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16; Deuteronomy 24:1). He does not want any one, including the two parties to the marriage, to put asunder what He has joined together in holy matrimony. But the institution of marriage has failed to function the way God ordained to. It has failed dismally to stand the storms of life and the test of time. Separation and divorce with devastating effects on the partners and the children have been the norm.
Of all the storms of life and tests of time that have attacked the institution of marriage since its inception with Adam and Eve, adultery has been the major killer. Husbands have deserted their wives and clave to girlfriends or small houses. Some husbands have tried to resolve problems of the first marriage by marrying more wives. But polygamy has brought more harm than good in the families concerned. On the other hand some wives have tried to solve problems of their legal marriage by involving themselves in extramarital affairs at work and in church. Almost every week stories of adultery abound in the local newspapers. Marriage partners are cheating on each other and dealing treacherously against one another. Both husbands and wives are involved in this ‘game’ of adultery. Business offices, cars, brothels and lodges have been made infamous for adulterous activities. The Harare city council is considering shutting down some of these brothels and lodges in a bid to reduce cases of adultery and prostitution.
God, the Creator of marriages and the first marriage officer, is neither shocked nor silenced by the moral decadence of our day. He has anticipated such moral blindness of calling evil good and good evil. And He has already given His thought on adultery and immorality. The opening scripture says it in no uncertain terms, “God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery” (Hebrews 13:4b). We do not heed this threat of judgement because it is delayed; but may we be warned that judgment dela-yed is not judgment denied. Noah was mocked as a fool because the judgment he predicted took too long to come to pass but when it was fulfilled it was too serious to be repeated.
But judgment has already come on adultery and immorality; we have not seen it because we have set our eyes on the far-fetched final judgment only. Don’t you think HIV and Aids and others sexually transmitted infections are an immediate judgment? Now if we cannot stand these STIs how much less the eternal, final judgment by fire and brimstone? Amend your ways to flee from the wrath to come!
-Pastor Mairos Mu-bvumbi is the founding pastor of Hope In Christ Ministries.You can send your prayer request to him on 0772889766 or mai