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Local rugby season ends prematurely

rugby picture 2DOMESTIC rugby drifted into further turmoil this week after the National Rugby League (NRL) were forced to cancel semi-final matches scheduled for Old Georgians Sports Club this Saturday, as players turned down attempts to recall them following a long break.

The NRL had arranged a double-header of rugby semi-finals this weekend with the game pitting Old Hararians against Western Panthers. The Bulawayo-based Western Panthers had replaced Harare Sports Club, which pulled out owing to unavailability of its players. Their encounter had been set to precede the showdown between Old Georgians and Matabeleland Busters.

But clubs failed to get players for the semi-finals after they resisted calls to return to their respective bases to prepare for the semi-finals. The stand-off means the 2014 rugby season has prematurely ended.

The president of the National Rugby League, Noddy Kanyangarara revealed to the Financial Gazette yesterday that clubs were finding it difficult to have players back after a long layoff. “The clubs are finding it difficult to call back players for the proposed semis – finals,” said Kanyangarara.

“Because of the long layoff, the clubs are finding it difficult to motivate players to regroup for two games only. Normally our season end with a final, but we can now say our 2014 rugby season is over and we start preparing for the 2015 season. However, we are consulting to see if we can declare (Harare) Sports Club who were on top of the standings champions or we just say because the season ended prematurely there is no winner. That’s what we are working on now.”

With 10 weeks into the league, games were suspended in September as the NRL failed to secure US$50 000 sponsorship. The NRL agreed to use week nine of their fixtures to select teams that will play in the semi-finals. Harare Sports Club emerged as the top team followed by defending champions Old Hararians. Old Georgians were in third place, while Bulawayo giants Busters complete the qualifying teams.

The final was to be played on November 1 to round off an unforgettable season that was blighted by lack of sponsorship after Delta Beverages who bankrolled the league from 2011 to 2013 through its Lion Lager brand decided not to renew the sponsorship deal this year. An attempted come back failed after the league failed to secure the US$50 000 required to complete the season.

The nine teams in the league were Harare Sports Club, Old Georgians, Old Miltonians, Western Panthers, Matabeleland Busters, Gweru Sports Club, Zvishavane Bulls and Mutare Sports Club.