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Macron and Trump’s ‘friendship tree’ has died

It was a gift that symbolised the friendship between two world leaders but now, much like the bond between them, it is no more.

The gift symbolised “ties that bind us” but perhaps maintaining a decaying friendship was too much for the solitary tree.

French President Emmanuel Macron gave the young oak to US President Donald Trump during a state visit to Washington DC in April last year.

Photos were published of them planting the tree with gold shovels while their wives watched.

The tree came from Belleau Wood in northern France where almost 2,000 Americans died in June 1918, near the end of World War One.

Mr Macron had said that the tree and its poignant origins would be “a reminder at the White House of these ties that bind us”.

But a few days later, the tree was pulled from the ground and taken away.

It emerged that, like all living organisms imported into the US, it had to go through quarantine.

Gerard Araud, the French ambassador to the US at the time, promised on Twitter that it would be replanted.

But now, news agency AFP has reported a diplomatic source as saying that the tree died during quarantine.

The death comes after months of worsening relations between the two presidents.

The two appeared together last week when they both spoke during commemorations of the 75th anniversary of D-Day in France.

They appeared to be getting along but the day’s ceremony came after a number of disagreements between them on issues including trade, the environment and the Iran nuclear deal. –