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Make every kick send you forward


“Turn your lemon into lemonade; your test into a testimony; your mess into a message and your disappointment into a wonderful appointment.”

Resolving Personal  & Spiritual
Conflicts with  Pastor Mairos

Galatians 4:13 As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you…
You may be wondering what making every kick send you forward means. Well, it simply means using all situations and circumstances for good.

The finest example of Biblical characters that took advantage of every situation to move forward was Apostle Paul. Our opening text tells us that when Paul first came to Galatia he was suffering from an illness. And that affliction caused him to stay with the Galatians and preach the gospel to them. One commentator said it is uncertain what kind of physical illness it was, but whatever the illness, it caused Paul to travel to Galatia in search of a climate that would be beneficial to him.
The same commentator went further to explain: “What we do know is that he did not allow his condition to frustrate him. Forced by the illness to spend time in Galatia, he turned those circumstances for good and started to evangelise in the province. Later he wrote a letter to the churches which had been established there – a letter which has enriched the Church for close on 2000 years. And it will go on enriching it until the end of time.”
What is the meaning of all this? The meaning is that you need to develop the ability to turn bad situations into good ones. Make every situation kick you forward by learning how to function where your usefulness really matter. As someone once put it: “Turn your lemon into lemonade; your test into a testimony; your mess into a message and your disappointment into a wonderful appointment.” May God give you this year the capacity to convert what the enemy means for evil into something good.
Our national outlook offers very little hope; especially economy wise. Redundancies or retrenchments are increasing, salaries are being cut down or paid in arrears in bits and pieces and the liquidity problem is worsening. The list of challenges, troubles or bad things facing us is endless. But may you choose not to despair and learn how to turn the tables for own good. There are individuals and companies which are so struggling that they cannot see themselves reaching year end in a sound state. It is to those individuals and companies that this is message is directed.
Let the economic meltdown direct you to something that will help recover your individual economic situation and that of the nation at large. It is true that necessity is the mother of invention. So what can you invent or re-invent in response to your tight financial or business condition? Do not allow depression to set in but sit down, think and come up with new ways of doing business or making money. Great ideas normally come out of desperate situations. For instance, the taking of great strides in the advancement of technology has been linked to the desperate need to improve military strength.
In simple terms, let not the negative prospect of losing your job causes you to lose sleep. I am not saying do not think about your future, that you need to do. What I am saying is that you do not have to worry about it. Thinking is progressive and necessary but worrying is retrogressive and unnecessary. Napoleon Hill was right when entitled one of his books: “Think and grow rich.” The Bible enjoins careful planning and wise thinking. And it is quite sobering to know that God uses His divine ability to provide what we think about. Ephesians 3:20 reads “God is able to do exceeding abundantly above that you may think or ask.” Put your thoughts, facts and figures together and ask God to show you what to do next. Sometimes it takes some kind of tragedy to move us from our places of comfort. But when we discover new things outside our comfort zones we will forever be grateful to whoever or whatever brought the discomfort.
There is need to operate like an eagle which waits for the storm of wind. And when the wind comes it takes advantage of it to fly to higher effortlessly while smaller birds will be panicking in the storm. Our situations may differ in the degree of badness but one thing is common to all of us: Our situation is bad. But those who will choose to make every situation kick them forward will move onward to new discoveries that will so bless their lives and nation that they will have a totally new perspective about the trials and troubles of life.
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