PCC welcomes Botswana seizures
PACIFIC Cigarette Company (PCC) has welcomed the seizure of illicit and counterfeit packs of its Pacific Blue brand at the Botswana–South Africa (SA) border last week.
This comes as the Zimbabwean-owned entity has recently toasted to a BAT South Africa-Ipsos report indicating that its brands were “among the most outstanding” and it was helping regional authorities in verifying the status of the contraband stock, as preliminary checks also show that the ciggies were not produced by the local firm.
“The success of Pacific Blue in the South African market has made it a target for counterfeiters… We have been plagued… by these counterfeits and it seems… we are the victim of it (again) from a neighbouring country,” Yves Le Boulenge, PCC’s chief executive, said.
“In our efforts to stem the flow of counterfeits, we have implemented identity and security measures… to delineate authentic Pacific cigarettes. In SA, we have implemented a unique, D-shaped pack for our range of Pacific products,” he said, adding South African consumers are “urged to purchase these unique packs to guarantee them the quality associated with our brands”.
“Our on-going investigation is aimed at determining whether the impounded packs carry these… features. This has to be done at a dedicated quality laboratory as counterfeiters have become extremely good…Early indications are that none of the seized cigarette packs carry the requisite… features,” Le Boulenge said.
Meanwhile, PCC was working with investigators to crack the case as part of its commitment to douse the scourge of illicit cigarette-trade, which undermines regional tax collections and jobs.
“It is time the entire industry and… SADC starts working together to stop counterfeit goods..,” Le Boulenge said.