Sir, I have no man
Resolving Personal & Spiritual Conflicts
Pastor Mairos
John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming another steps down before me.
Life is filled with troubles. Sickness, lack, failure, barrenness, bereavement, divorce and chronic temptations to sin all come to try our faith.
It is no wonder a blessed thing to have at least a man, a human helper in the form of a friend, relative, neighbour or a technical expert to lean on when faced with natural challenges.
Quite often we thank God for the ministry of burden-bearing we receive from fellow human beings. But the extent of our challenges vary from time to time. It is in times of small and short-term challenges that human aid is sufficient. When the challenges are big and long-term as in the case of the impotent man in the opening scripture above, who was sick for 38 years, all creature aid becomes insufficient.
In most cases it is not the primary problem e.g physical sickness that is the greatest worry to us. But it is the lack of a man to help us in our weakness that brings hopelessness to our condition.
When you fall sick, you do not lose hope at once because you expect the medical experts to help you. However, when the diagnosis is bad, and the doctors inform you that your condition is beyond any medical help, you lose all hope instantly.
Such was the condition of a man born lame in his feet recorded in John Chapter five. Having a bad start on life did not immediately make him hopeless as the existence of a healing pool at Bethesda gave him a ray of hope for healing some day. He laid there waiting for his opportunity to get healed. But after 38 years of waiting he became aware that he would never be healed because his condition of lameness required another man to help him get into the water first but such a man was not there.
All those around him wanted to be healed too, so competition was too stiff for the crippled man. At last he lost all hope and shifted his focus from healing to worrying about lack of a man to help him. It was during the time of hopelessness that Jesus, the Son of man, met him. Jesus asked him if he still believed that he would be healed. The man said, “Sir, I have no man…”
Does it not sound familiar in your situation right now? You expected a man to connect you to the right job but you have not found such a man. You consulted witchdoctors on removing the curse you think is haunting you but it seems to worsen.
Like Job your friends and relatives falsely accuse you of a secret sin because they cannot understand how a righteous person should suffer as you do. You have lost all hope. And you now reply everyone inquirer, “Sir, I have no man to bail me out. So mine is a hopeless condition.”
But wait a minute. There are burdens meant for natural man to bear for us. There are burdens a man of God can carry for us. But there are also burdens which none other than the Son of man can lift away for us.
And such was the case of the impotent man. God had allowed his condition to reach so alarming a pitch that all human help was rendered useless. He could only be helped by the Son of man Himself.
Perhaps your challenges has brought you to man’s wit’s end. And you cannot see how you will be delivered. Hold on. If your condition is not a result of your sin and unbelief then perhaps it is God who has so stretched your problem this far so that you can renounce all creature aid and totally depend on Him alone.
Like Jehoshaphat will you remind God of His total responsibility by saying to Him, “O, our God will you not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that is against us; neither know we what to do; but our eyes upon thee (2 Chron. 20:12)? If you do this with all your heart you will see the salvation of the Lord where you have no man to help you. If you have no man to help you them you must have God Himself to help you.
The impotent man obeyed the instructed to rise and walk and his miracle happened. You see if your situation lacks a man to fix it then it is reserved for God only.
But you must obey when God instructs you to do the impossible. Will you get out of your bed of sickness at God’s word? Here is the problem: your eyes are set on man and their natural solutions instead of on God and his supernatural solutions.
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