By L.S.M Kabweza Earlier today, Techzim wrote an article dismissing some fake news that was circulating on WhatsApp, saying the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is introducing new Bond Notes and had put further restrictions on international cards. The RBZ has itself also now dismissed the fake news. In a statement…
By Staff Writer Yesterday, Econet introduced WiFi in Kombis. Basically, Econet subscribers can buy WiFi bundles and can use these in kombis. The kombis are fitted with WiFi routers. So far the Kombis with WiFi are only in Harare. 50 of them in total. Econet has said that this is…
By Staff Writer Man holding cellphone, bitcoin coming out ” data-medium-file=”×128.jpg” data-large-file=”×280.jpg”> As the clock ticks closer to this year’s Digital Future event, Techzim and partners TBWA have announced the acceptance of Bitcoin as a means of payment for this year’s event. The crypto-currency, which has been gaining in value…
By Staff Writer Just 7 months after launch, WhatsApp says its users are making a total of 55 million video calls a day and spending a total of 340 million minutes on those calls. The app is especially popular in India where users make 50 million minutes of video calls…
By Staff Writer While we’re on the subject of fake news here in Zimbabwe, apparently Facebook has deleted the accounts of tens of thousand of users on its social network. Facebook suspended 30,000 accounts in France before the first round of its presidential election last month. The social networking giant…
By Staff Writer Econet yesterday launched Kombi WiFi, a service enabling subscribers to use WiFi when travelling in a kombi. In addition to buying WiFi bundles to use the service, subscribers also get 100% free WiFi data for every purchase of any regular Econet data bundle. Here are the data…
By L.S.M Kabweza An article about the introduction of new Bond Notes and new restrictions on international cards, that is going viral on social media today is fake. It’s especially going viral on WhatsApp and you have probably received it already. Techzim called RBZ to confirmed the ‘fakeness’ of the…
By Staff Writer Last week, after POTRAZ announced the new ICT Innovation Drive fund for startups, questions started coming in. Techzim had numerous questions of its own. So we brought all questions together and presented them to POTRAZ, who are managing the fund. They responded. We’re considering this an FAQ…
By L.S.M Kabweza We try to keep our tabs on what the government is announcing, but sometimes we fall short. This is the case with the most recent statement issued by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe last week, which we feel is still important to post here. The dynamics around…
By L.S.M Kabweza If you have been to East Africa – and most people I know have been there for one reason or the other – you know that very much unlike other parts of Africa where people pride themselves on being fluent in English and French, Swahili is what…