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Girls In ICT Day – 27th April 2017

By Guest Author Chipo Mtasa, TelOne CEO ” data-medium-file=”×128.jpg” data-large-file=”×280.jpg”> TelOne CEO – Chipo Mtasa The 27th of April is the day that the world celebrates Girls in ICT (Information and Communication Technology). International Telecommunication Union’s Girls in ICT Day is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness among girls…

Digitally Minded Coporates Support Digital Future Conference

By Staff Writer Digital Future 2015 ” data-medium-file=”×128.jpg” data-large-file=”×280.jpg”> Techzim and TBWA present the Digital Future conference – Zimbabwe’s largest gathering of digital and marketing minds – on 11 and 12 May 2017. The conference brings together professionals from various sectors to address the marketing and public relations challenges presented…

Ecocash Ups Local Limit To $20,000 Per Month…

By William Chui Increase in Ecocash transaction limit ” data-medium-file=”×128.jpg” data-large-file=”×280.jpg”> For some time now, since launch actually, Ecocash have been limiting their customers to a monthly transaction limit of $3,000 per month and $1,000 per day. Some of us may not have noticed this, well, because we never really…