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If WhatsApp is free, how does it make money?

By Rufaro Madamombe Money exchanging hands ” data-medium-file=”×170.jpg” data-large-file=”×373.jpg”> It might sound like a question with an obvious answer. However, someone recently asked me that same question “If WhatsApp is free, how does it make money?”. To my surprise, I didn’t have a clear answer to give them and it…

Is EcoCash discontinuing its Mastercard online payment service?

By Trycolyn Pikirayi Ecocash MasterCard, Master Card ” data-medium-file=”×128.jpg” data-large-file=”×280.jpg”> Since morning, some fliers indicating that EcoCash will be suspending EcoCash Mastercard online payments from the 16th of August until further notice have been circulating. We know fake news is a serious problem, especially now that we’re so gullible to…