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Breaking: City of Harare attempts to demolish Moto Republik, a tech & arts hub in Harare, because it’s an ‘illegal structure’

By L.S.M Kabweza Harare municipal police at Moto Republik this morning just before they started taking the hub’s structure down. Credit Privilege Musvanhiri‏. Harare City Council attempted this morning to demolish one of Zimbabwe’s most prominent tech hubs in Zimbabwe, Moto Republik. The council said it was because it is…

The 4, maybe 5, types of money in Zimbabwe…

By William Chui Bank cards with US dollars ” data-medium-file=”×128.jpg” data-large-file=”×280.jpg”> Over the last couple of months a lot has been happening on the money side. Techzim has covered it extensively here but still we’re yet to see someone take time out and spell it all out for us –…