By Batsirai Chikadaya Techzim has received reports that WhatsApp is no longer working on some older devices namely Nokia’s running on Symbian S40 and S60 as well as Blackberry’s running on Blackberry OS. The reports were being circulated via images on TechZim’s WhatsApp groups which show devices refusing to enter…
By Batsirai Chikadaya Over 100k households are still waiting for the installation of ZESA prepaid electricity metres with affected areas in Harare being Glen Norah, Mufakose, Mbare, Mabvuku and Dzivarasekwa. The second stage of the prepaid metre project was meant to see ZESA install up to 130k units for households…
By Nigel Gambanga Zimbabwe’ internet penetration rate – a measure of the percentage of the population that connects to the internet – has been registered at 50.1%. According to recent figures shared by the telecoms regulator, POTRAZ, at the end of the third quarter of 2016 (September 2016), 6,732,470 connections…
By Edwin Chabuka As we enter a brand spanking new year we enter with a great many freshmen looking forward to starting their College/University studies. This means most probably you are looking to get yourself some good piece of hardware, specifically a laptop. But do you know what’s the best…
By Batsirai Chikadaya As of 5 January 2017, all CBZ issued VISA cards will cease to work locally (within Zimbabwe) but will continue to work outside of Zimbabwe for at ATMs, POS machines and any internet related transaction. Not only will CBZ stop the use of VISA cards locally but…
By Garikai Dzoma Nothing can be further from the truth. The internet does not give you anonymity unless you diligently seek it and even then just one breadcrumb is all it takes for you to be unmasked and get into real trouble. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Be careful what you…
By Nigel Gambanga The United States has announced expanded sanctions on Russia for its interference in its 2016 presidential elections through cyberattacks that leaked emails from the Democratic party. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Obama announces United States sanctions on Russia for cyberattacks that interfered with its elections …read more Read…
By Edwin Chabuka Twitter just added 360 degree live video streaming through Periscope in a bid to enhance their live streaming segment. For those who are not sure what 360 degree video is it is basically a video which gives you a 360 degree field of view. This means instead…
By Nigel Gambanga eMAP, the online enrolment system for Form 1 boarding school places which was launched by the Ministry of Education earlier this month successfully allocated places to over 63% of applicants seeking places for the 2017 school year. The figure was reportedly shared by the Minister of Education,…
By Garikai Dzoma Is DStv cheaper than online streaming? – Here’s why that cost comparison isn’t that simple. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Is DStv cheaper than online streaming in Zimbabwe? – Here’s why that cost comparison isn’t so simple. …read more Read more here:: Techzim Feed…