By Nigel Gambanga ShonaApp has so far registered over 10,000 downloads. This uptake has been enabled by some changes made to the app that include adding backwards compatibility to Android 2.2 devices and extending distribution platforms to include WhatsApp. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Local language tool ShonaApp registers over 10,000…
By Tawanda Moyo Apple is expected to launch its latest iPhone later on today. The biggest talking point hasn’t been the various additions and improvements but rather a subtraction – the removal of the headphones jack. Is this change necessary? Here’s why it may or may not be a good…
By Nigel Gambanga Are you looking for information on Econet products and have been put on hold by customer care? The folks at Econet Wireless have decided to make it easier for you to get that information by introducing an interactive voice response (IVR) information centre. It’s called the Econet…
By Batsirai Chikadaya image credit: soapboxscience I recently stumbled on a report on Women in IT jobs by Deloitte. The report predicts that by the end of 2016, less than 25% of IT jobs in developing countries will be held by women. The report explained the following factors are contributing…
By Guest Author Zimbabwe’s legal system is being digitised through virtual sittings & electronic processing. Here’s a look at how it will affect justice delivery and the feasibility of this shift. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Zimbabwe’s legal system is being digitised with virtual sittings & electronic processing – here’s how…
By Nigel Gambanga Unfortunately, this was only a 90-day reprieve set to run from the beginning of June to the end of August 2016. The EcoCash team has since reintroduced its merchant payment fees which can go up to $1.95 for a $500 payment. Articles appeared first on Techzim;EcoCash reintroduces…
By Batsirai Chikadaya Earlier today, MMM East Africa, MMM Global Zimbabwe’s parent organization, released a public statement on its website. The statement gave notice to all members of the immediate suspension of its account freezing process, 9 days earlier than initially scheduled (accounts were to be reopened on the 15th…
By Nigel Gambanga For a minimum of 50 cents subscribers can receive 50 MB of data, $1 gets 300 MB daily bundles, or 150 MB weekly with the biggest allocation being 5GB of data for a $5 daily bundle. Articles appeared first on Techzim;NetOne unveils generous daily and weekly data…
By Batsirai Chikadaya Recently Deloitte released its Mobile Consumer Survey 2015-16 for Africa under its Technology, Media, and Telecommunications research arm. The report covers consumer trends and topics across 5 African countries, namely Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe and provides insight into mobile consumer issues and trends in…
By Nigel Gambanga A Zimbabwean state official recently racked up a US$200,000 monthly phone bill, an amount that would have been enough to pay 500 teachers. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Zimbabwean state official racks up a $200,000 monthly phone bill, enough to pay 500 teachers …read more Read more here::…