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Reports of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 catching fire and exploding while charging cause global shipment delays and recalls

By Batsirai Chikadaya Reports of Samsung’s premium flagship device catching fire and exploding are starting to surface over the internet. The global electronics giant has since delayed shipment of the smartphone to mobile carriers all over the world citing quality control issues. Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has since acknowledged the…

Zuckerberg’s Africa tour ruined by the news of satellite explosion, releases statement expressing his dissapointment

By Batsirai Chikadaya image credit: Earlier today we reported on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s mini tour of Africa. The CEO is moving around Sub-Saharan Africa and is currently in Kenya having visited Nigeria already. Sadly, the tour has been ruined by the news of Facebook’s satellite exploding today.…

Econet has grown EcoFarmer to close to a million users, now it has to figure out how get them to pay

By Nigel Gambanga After almost 3 years of operation, Ecofarmer, Econet’s agricultural support platform is now edging towards the 1 million user mark. According to figures released in the mobile operator’s 2016 integrated financial report Ecofarmer now has 900,000 subscribers. The last Ecofarmer subcriber figures that were shared showed 650,000…

“We’re not broke”, Jericho responds to ADMA blacklisting. Blames Jealous competition

By L.S.M Kabweza Denford Magora, founder and CEO of Jericho Advertising. Picture credit: Jupiter Drawing Room. Jericho Advertising one of the most visible ad agencies in Zimbabwe issued a press statement today to refute claims that they may be in financial difficulties. Jericho’s statement follows the publication of agencies blacklisted…