By Nigel Gambanga In its statement, WhatsApp highlighted its desire to help its users communicate with businesses. This is supposed to happen through targeted advertising which will be facilitated by “WhatsApp for Business” accounts. Articles appeared first on Techzim;WhatsApp opens up to businesses, creates opportunities for targeted campaigns and IM…
By Nigel Gambanga According to Zimbabwe’s Censorship and Entertainment Act (which was instituted back in 1967), it is illegal to import, print, publish, manufacture, make or produce, distribute, display, exhibit or sell or offer or keep for sale any publication anything that is deemed by the Censorhip Board to be…
By Nigel Gambanga The Zimbabwean government is in the finals stages of setting up the structures for the multi-million ICT innovation fund and will begin the implementation of this pool by the end of September 2016. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Government to start implementation of $25 million ICT Innovation Fund…
By Tapiwa Munzwa Pyramid schemes come in many guises, but they have one thing in common – they always fail. That is why I was dismayed by the comments on a recent article on that seemed sympathetic to a doomed cause. I will debunk pyramid schemes with high school maths…
8 things you need to know about WhatsApp’s privacy policy update and that pop-up message it sent you
By Nigel Gambanga Since this announcement, there have been some falsehoods (it’s not a government-led cybersecurity initiative) and questions around what this actually means to WhatsApp users and the information that will now be shared with WhatsApp’s parent company, Facebook. Articles appeared first on Techzim;8 things you need to know…
By L.S.M Kabweza In this special edition of ComExposed, Eugene interviews one of the foremost creators in the comic book industry in Zimbabwe. He created the character called Razor Man. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Comexposed interviews Bill Masuku, creator of comic book character, Razor Man …read more Read more here::…
By Nigel Gambanga Under the arrangement, Econet’s Free to Air sports channel will have exclusive free-to-air English language rights to the F1 championship for the Sub-Saharan Africa region, except South Africa. Articles appeared first on Techzim;Econet signs deal with Formula 1 to broadcast championship racing in Africa through Kwesé Free…
By Batsirai Chikadaya Recently, we released a list of top 10 websites visited in Zimbabwe. The list included search engines, social networks, and most notably local news websites NewsDay and The Herald. From your requests and comments, we decided to also release the top 10 visited local websites. Unintentionally, one…
By Nigel Gambanga News platforms have dominated Zimbabwe’s list of top 10 most-visited local websites with Newsday taking the lead. Articles appeared first on Techzim;News platforms dominate Zimbabwe’s list of top 10 most visited local websites …read more Read more here:: Techzim Feed…
By Nigel Gambanga The Zivo learning team DEMO Africa 2016, this year’s edition of one of Africa’s largest startup conferences and launchpad for the continent’s new businesses is happening in Johannesburg South Africa right now. Set over two days (25-26 August 2016) its given 30 startups across Africa a chance…