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Tech Village Hosting HacktoberFest Open-Source Meetup This Weekend

Hacktoberfest – a month-long celebration of open-source software. The event is a partnership between DigitalOcean and DEV.

The event will be hosted in Bulawayo in the 1st floor of the NetOne Building, Corner Fife Street and L.Takawira. Opposite Central Police Station.

Maintainers -the guys/girls who build source code into a binary package for distribution, commit patches, or organize code in a source repository– will be present to help out would-be contributors to help move open-source projects forward.

Open-source software is a great place for developers to learn and even get noticed by influential people (if you’re interested in remote working) and also to bolster your CVs so I would encourage the following groups to attend;

  • Anyone who has an interest in open-source projects, newbie and senior dev alike.
  • Anyone who is eager to learn about git workflow and GitHub.
  • Anyone who is willing to network and collaborate with an epic dev community.

If you do decide to attend the meetup in Bulawayo, the registration page recommends you bring these 3 things;

  1. To bring a good laptop
  2. Make sure u have git installed; download git from
  3. Create an account on GitHub
  4. Oh and read HacktoberFest’s code of conduct before attending

Interested in attending HacktoberFest? Sign up here

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