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TechnoMag launches Young Achievers Tech Awards


Toneo Rutsito

TECHNOMAG, Zimbabwean based Tech Magazine in-conjunction with the Ministry of ICT Postal and Courier services is announcing its inaugural launch of Young Achievers Tech Awards (YATA), which recognizes the young and upcoming tech players in Zimbabwe.

The minister of ICT Postal and Courier Services will be recognizing 19 top young tech players in Zimbabwe across the technological sector from ICTs , Science and engineering with mentorship support, workspace, cash prizes and trophies to be presented on the 3rd of December at Holiday Inn in Harare.

According to TechnoMag this has been necessitated by the need to promote and celebrate our young and upcoming tech players and expose their prowess to the industry.

The Young Achievers Tech Awards (YATA), is a new brand which focuses on recognizing youths who are outstanding in the technology Industry nationwide. Primarily it is looking at Technological Projects, Products and Services that are emerging, have been a success or made a positive impact to the Society.

This inaugural event will be officially opened by the minister of ICT Postal and Courier Services Supa Mandiwanzira and expected to be graced by other reputable dignitaries to witness the official opening.

Speaking to the brains behind, YATA,  Toneo Rutsito he said that by recognizing these achievers we are putting them in the lime light to trigger interest and publicity of what we have as a nation and more importantly connecting these techprenuers to their next possible deal or partner.

“We have not done much to recognize our young techies who are immensely contributing to the tech eco-system in Zimbabwe, if we are to export talent, we will have to start somewhere and i hope these national awards will present a platform to expose our most promising techies to new opportunities in Zimbabwe.” .

Many youths achieve a lot but do not get the desired recognition therefore, these are the first and crucial steps in acknowledging players and expose their creativity to industry for their next big projects.

To help select the best of Zimbabwe`s tech players there is a registration process that is now open on whereby one needs to submit their brief profile, portfolio, references, actual project, product or service.

The official Twitter handle for YATA awards is @yatazw and the Facebook page is also now live here. Unfortunately due to a pressing deadline, all submissions must be done by 25th of November 2015.

A panel of adjudicators that are hands on and closer to the industry will select and identify the most outstanding players in the industry for the nominees and final winners list.

There are sponsors in every category that will present their prize money, awards and YATA trophies to the selected finest young Techies of the day and the 19 awards are inclusive of

1.Most Promising Start-Up

2.Most Innovative Start-Up

3.Tech Entrepreneur of The Year

4.Best App Developer (Male&Female)

5.Best Online Web/Blog

6.Best Web Designer

7.Best Web Developer

8.Best Graphic Designer

9.Best Inventor (Software and Hardware)

10.Best Animator

11.Best Social Media Influence On Twitter

12.Most Popular Social Media Facebook

13.Best Online Video Content

14.Sustainable Science Projects

15.Most Influential Twitter Account

16.Best E-commerce Website

17.Outstanding Ethical Hacker

18.Best Cartoon Animation

19.Lifetime Achievement Award

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