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Uebert Angel’s Charities Come Home to Feed The Hungry


Uebert Angel’s ministry has set up not one, but two charity wings that are doing great works of charity across the world.

ROMAN Abramovich once said “charity is a very complicated thing. It’s important to find an area where you can really help and you can really help and you can feel the results.
Charity is not like feeding pigeons in the square. It is a process that requires professional management.”

Indeed charity is a supreme virtue, and the great channel through which the mercy of God is passed onto mankind. Uebert Angel gives this the full manifestation. He believes strongly in philanthropy and charity. And he has continued to do that with a single-minded pursuit that can be unnerving.

His ministry has set up not one, but two charity wings that are doing great works of charity across the world.

His ministry has created principled wealth creators. For the past nine years, Uebert Angel and his wife, Beverly, have quietly dedicated their lives to caring for the poor and the needy. Together, they created Hand of Mercy, which has been building, houses for widows in Africa and feeding the hungry across the world.

Hand Of Mercy has helped tens of thousands of widows and orphans build a sustainable path out of plight, the charities have been feeding the elderly in Zimbabwe, South Africa and even as far afield as India.
They have not just fed the hungry they have built houses in Botswana and Zambia and they are paying for tuition and school fee for thousands across the world through the UAF scholarship fund.

There is lot that has been said and written about Prophet Uebert Angel the media has obsessively focused on his wealth and lifestyle and not so much on the charity work that he has inspired through Hand of Mercy and UAF.

It is true, he drives luxury cars, owns plenty of those actually and doesn’t waste his time apologizing for them. He talks a lot about money and business, He holds the media in disdain. He lives a luxurious life indeed that is also a fact.

So the critics come in fast and furious, frothing at the mouth sometimes. Shooting from the hip-cowboy-style.
Like scripture cowboys they are so excited to point out what they see as flaws, the contradictions, the paradoxes. They insist (dubiously) that Jesus would not spend in such like, live like a celebrity, and be so dismissive. Jesus would be a lamb, they insist.

Clarifying this perspective Spirit Embassy (The Good News Church) spokesperson Rikki Doolan said:
“Uebert Angel is a Philanthropist,with a global mission, the problem is that they ( critics) mis-understand him and thus, they misrepresent him. They want Uebert Angel to fit and conform to the criteria or model of your yester-year men of God who got on push-bikes or walked on foot to preach from village to village which is the image they still have fixed in their heads of men of God because that is what they grew up to know. Or the fishers of men who knock on your door with piety and the most subservient dose of humility.
Well, Prophet Uebert Angel is not like your yester-year type, he is not a village champion he is much more global. On the crux of it all Uebert Angel is a multi-millionaire for that matter– an entrepreneur.
Why do people feel it is pejorative to call a Prophet an entrepreneur?”

Rikki Doolan continued “It is fair to say if Uebert Angel had not grown the wealth that he has he perhaps would not be in a position to help the poor in the way that he does he would not be the philanthropist that he is, only wealth not poverty can be shared. And thus, in this pursuit of greatness, he faces a lot of scrutiny, as he should. He is a man of prodigious wealth, he is a man of great power, and he is a man of unlimited influence. Men of great influence must be scrutinised by the public, they must be held to account, and they must be held to a higher standard.
But the scrutiny is not free licence to create malicious and false derogatory stories about him. The scrutiny is because he has done great things, he has built great people, and he has changed the world as we know it particularly the prophetic ministry.”

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