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US Man Arrested For Keeping TV Sent To Him By Mistake

It’s a moral dilemma we have all faced at some point. Someone drops their precious bond notes in front of you. Would you warn them or even better, pick them up and hand them back. Or would you wait for them to move on before picking those up and shoving them into your pocket and head for the nearest Chicken Slice or bar?

Well, a man in the United States did the latter. When a package arrived from Amazon, Nick Memmo, from Freetown, Massachusetts in the United States thought he had won the lottery. You see he ordered a 74-inch flat screen TV on Amazon.

Instead, the online giant delivered an 86 inch flat screen TV to his doorstep. That is a whopping 12-inch mistake and as every Movie and Sports junkie knows, size does really matter. So Nick did what most of us would do. He kept his TV.

It seemed like he had gotten away with it except one night police surrounded his house. According to Mr Memmo, police stormed in through the windows shining flashlights into his humble aboard something like a scene from a movie.

Police found the TV mounted to his wall and Mr Memmo was charged with larceny. He still believes he did nothing wrong.

var airtime_amount = form[“co[airtime_amount]”].value.trim();

if ( !RegExp(“^(\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}\.\d(\d?|0?))$”,”gm”).test(airtime_amount) || airtime_amount 50 ) {
alert(“Airtime amount should be between 0.1 and 50 with max of 2 decimals.”);
return false;

var number_to_recharge = form[“co[phone_to_recharge]”].value.trim();
var ecocash_number = form[“co[ecocash_number]”].value.trim();
var target_network = “”;

if ( RegExp(“^(077[1-9]|078[2-5])\d{6}$”,”gm”).test(number_to_recharge) ){
target_network = “Econet”;
} else if( RegExp(“^073[2-9]\d{6}$”,”gm”).test(number_to_recharge) ) {
target_network = “Telecel”;
} else if( RegExp(“^071[2-9]\d{6}$”,”gm”).test(number_to_recharge) ) {
target_network = “NetOne”;
} else if( RegExp(“^08644\d{6}$”,”gm”).test(number_to_recharge) ) {
target_network = “Africom”;

if (target_network.length === 0){
alert(“Please enter a valid NetOne/Telecel/Econet/Africom number to recharge e.g 071×123456 or 08644123456”);
return false;
} else {
if ( RegExp(“^(077[1-9]|078[2-5])\d{6}$”,”gm”).test(ecocash_number) ){
var answer = confirm(“You are buying $” + airtime_amount + ” for ” + number_to_recharge + “, click OK and check your EcoCash phone to confirm.”);

if ( answer === true ) {
var loader = document.getElementsByClassName(“co-simple-buying-form-loader”);

loader[0].style = “display: block”;

url: “”,
data: {
“action”: “co_handle_simple_buying_form”,
“co[phone_to_recharge]”: number_to_recharge,
“co[airtime_amount]”: airtime_amount,
“co[ecocash_number]”: ecocash_number,
success: function(data){
if ( data.success === true ) {
window.location.href = data.order_received_url;
} else if ( data.success === false ) {
alert( data.error_message );
error: function(){
window.location.href = “”;

return false;
} else {
alert(“Please enter a valid EcoCash number e.g 07xx123456”);
return false;

Quick NetOne, Telecel, Africom, Econet Airtime Recharge

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The post US Man Arrested For Keeping TV Sent To Him By Mistake appeared first on Techzim.