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Zuckerberg: one in seven people on the planet used Facebook on Monday


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the social network’s 1bn milestone. Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images


AS the fictional Sean Parker might put it: ‘A million people logging in to Facebook on a single day isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion people’.

The non-fictional Mark Zuckerberg has announced a new milestone for the social network: one billion daily users.

“For the first time ever, one billion people used Facebook in a single day. On Monday (August 24), 1 in 7 people on Earth used Facebook to connect with their friends and family,” wrote Zuckerberg in a post on his personal profile.

“When we talk about our financials, we use average numbers, but this is different. This was the first time we reached this milestone, and it’s just the beginning of connecting the whole world.”

The news is no great surprise: Facebook has been growing steadily, and in the second quarter of 2015 it averaged 968 million daily active users, and 1.49 billion monthly active users.

Based on its figure of 844 million daily active mobile users during that period, Facebook may well reach the total of 1bn people logging in from smartphones and tablets in a single day in the not-too distant future too.

“A more open and connected world is a better world. It brings stronger relationships with those you love, a stronger economy with more opportunities, and a stronger society that reflects all of our values,” wrote