THE Airports Company of Zimbabwe (ACZ) was created after the unbundling of the Civil Aviation of Zimbabwe (CAAZ) in 2019. ACZ currently manages and operates a network of eight strategically-located airports around the country, providing the most direct and fastest access to the country’s tourist resort and trade areas. ACZ is currently undertaking a US$153 million upgrade and refurbishment of the Robert Gabriel (RG) Mugabe International Airport, the main gateway into Zimbabwe. Our Group Features Editor Emmerson Njanjamangezi (EN) toured the airport with ACZ CEO Tawanda Gusha (TG) to get an update on the modernization project of the RG Mugabe Airport as well as the ongoing expansion of other local airports.
EN: Congratulations on Eurowings Discover, which recently launched flights into Zimbabwe. May you give an update on international airlines that have returned to Zimbabwe with the easing of Covid-19 restrictions?
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