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Comment: Trading marriage for money

 As such those affected by distance are encouraged to stand by their vows and overcome this test of life without divorcing. Romans 7:2 argues that the wife is set free from the law of her husband by death otherwise she is bound by the law of her husband as long as he lives.
Mark 10:9 and parrallel verses stron-gly warn of putting asunder what God has joined together. This applies to the two involed in the marriage bond as well. The suggested solution is to remain married and try to come together by any means possible even if it means the coming back of the one staying abroad. Prayer alone will not do the trick but compromise on one of the parties involved will see the couples reuniting sooner than later.
A response from one of our
The issues you mentioned of two ladies separated from their husbands for long periods is unfortunate. What is clear is that God hates divorce and one would encourage the ladies to do all that is in their power to be reconciled with their husbands.
Paul commands the married to stay married and if left to remain single or else comeback and be reconciled with husband/partner (1 Corinthians 7 : 10 – 11). Divorce is not permitted for any other reason except adultery/fornication. If one divorces and remarries, he/she commits adultery except if she remarries after the husband has died (Romans 7 : 1 – 3, 1 Corinthians 7 : 39 – 40, Mark 10 : 8 – 12).
Some allow/permit remarriages for the innocent party where divorce is as a result of adultery/fornication (Mathew 19 : 9, Matthew 5 : 31 – 32, 1 Corinthians 7 : 15). Some argue though that the permission here is only for divorce and not for remarriage. I tend to agree with the latter position. We, however, face a lot of cases where partners left/divorced are burning with passion wanting to remarry.
In conclusion, the two ladies have the following options:
– Try by all means to be reconciled with their husbands
– Divorce their husbands if they are into adultery (staying with other women) and then stay single
– Remarry if the husbands dies.

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