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A leader is a dealer in hope

He must have seriously realised that there is no better way of describing the office of a leader than the provider of hope. Leadership is not solely meant for the position or the reputation that goes with it. A leader ought to give his best in ensuring that those that are led are kept with the highest level of optimism. The leader should inspire the followers to think in terms of accomplishing the set goals.

For the leader to be in a position to espouse the hope and inspiration to the followers, he ought to be geared up himself/herself. Hope is only gotten by someone who is full of hope in his own life. The hope and positive belief that one has should come out and impact others in a big way. There is no way you can effectively exude enthusiasm if you are not enthusiastic yourself.

Hope starts with you. A positive mindset starts with you. Belief in the vision starts with you. There is no way another person can fully buy into the vision if you are not prepared to give your all to it. The moment followers realise your commitment and eagerness to make things happen, the more hopeful they become. They would have realized that there is something that is within the bigger goal because of the hope that exudes out of you.

You should have hope that is contagious. Those who talk to you ought to catch the level of enthusiasm and greatness that emanates from you. By so doing, you become a good dealer in hope. You cannot deal over something that you don’t have. You can only put on the market something that you possess or what you know the place to get it from.


Noah is a motivational speaker and author of three books – Dimensions of Success, Success favors the brave- Eagle Mentality and Marriage Matters- marriage as a game of soccer.

For leadership, motivational and relationship solutions, contact Noah on 0912 884 509 or email