Alarms vital for premises protection
When linked to an effective rapid response service, it brings you assistance as well. It is equally effective for business premises and individual homes.
Modern alarm systems make use of a combination of infrared motion detecting sensors and magnetic contacts on doors and windows.
The components can be purchased and installed on a do-it-yourself basis. However, it is preferable to obtain your system from a professional security company that can advise on what is required for your particular house and has the know-how to ensure that sensors are correctly positioned for maximum effectiveness.
The correct positioning of sensors is important to ensure th-ere are no ‘blind spots,’ where mo-tion cannot be detected.
Sensors are normally placed in rooms that are unoccupied at night time, where movement would not therefore, be expected. There are sensors too designed for outdoors.
Professional installers will take account of the layout of the rooms, in which sensors are to be installed. If changes are made to the room layout, it is worth asking the installers to come back and check that the sensor coverage remains effective.
Changes in layout can reduce sensor coverage by as much as from 12 metres to three metres. However, the sensors can be repositioned to restore effective coverage.
An alarm system that covers eight zones is normally adequate for an average-sized house. A four-zone system would probably be sufficient for a flat.
The eight-zone system can be purchased for under US$400.
If funds are limited, it is possible to install a basic alarm system and improve it later.
Panic buttons are a useful addition to an alarm system. There are panic buttons that can be installed at strategic locations around the house. There are also hand-held panic buttons.
Although it is possible to simply have a panic button connected to a siren, it is wise to incorporate it in a network of sensors and magnetic contacts since it is only useful if there is someone awake and close to press it in the event of a suspected intrusion.
The sensors will set off the siren if motion is detected in the room they are installed in. The magnetic contacts will set off the alarm if the door or window they are attached to is opened. The panic button can be activated if suspicious sounds are heard.
The noise of the siren will often prompt thieves to run away. However, alarms are most effective when connected to a rapid response service, which reacts immediately when the alarm is activated.