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Columns & Comment

Case of friend or foe

Ordinarily, I am one of those who hardly respond to Press articles, be they positive or negative. But, after extensive internal debate, I have been forced to do so to set the record straight and in defence of some of the values that many people, like me fought…

Let’s avoid past pitfalls

From the outset, no one had really disputed the relevance and importance of redistributing the country's wealth. Since independence in 1980, the country's economy had remained in the hands of the minority whites. Such a lopsided situation favouring a handful of the country's population of 12 million was…

Major boost for SMEs

 The Governor, among other issues, emphasised the importance of small to medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in economic growth, development and employment creation in addition to being a nursery for the larger firms of the future. In that respect he directed financial institutions to commit 30 percent of their…

Linkages seminar outcomes

 This event was set up to mark the start of a national-level business linkages programme which aims to foster closer cooperation between small and medium enterprises and their large counterparts.Presenters were drawn from the association and the chamber. The seminar incorporated the Ministry of Small to Medium Enterprises…

Income Tax: Income or capital

 For most transactions that distinction is very clear for all to see. However there are always border line transactions that can either fall into or out of the Income Tax ambit by virtue of how they are structured. The purpose of this article is to highlight some of…

Once his, always his?

 They want to leave their options open and lines fuzzy, which is why in many cases they won't straight up tell a girlfriend that it is over.  They want to leave booty lines open for when a sudden need for you arises.  They will just go quietly, not…